Chapter 9 - Old Enemy

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Mineta is not in UA and Shinso is in 1-A because I hate sticky little purple boi and love Shinso.

Thanks now on with the chapter.

Kirishima's P.O.V-

It is now a few days after the sleepover and I am finally allowed back to school!

I walked through the gates with Bakusquad, Kaminari's arm around Sero and Bakugo's around me with Mina fan girling between us. We headed to class ,as we were already late, to be greeted by a mixture of cheers and insults. The cheers coming from 1-A and the insults were courtesy of 1-B."Fags!" "Is that allowed?" "I think I'm gonna vomit!"( hehe, vines :0). "Shut it, B class assholes!" Shinso said, giving us a quick thumbs up in support.

Sero's P.O.V -

"Thanks, Shinso!" I called, smiling. I could deal with the homophobes usually but the next comment made by Monoma made me die a bit inside. "Stupid Tranny!Maybe you should do us all a favour, and jump your FEMALE ass off the fucking roof!" (Im sorry I hate writing that :( ) he yelled, earning stares. I ripped away from Kaminari and ran to the bathroom but then, for the first time in ages, I debated which room I should go in so I ended up just leaning on the wall between them, crying my heart out as alarmed students walked past.

I rubbed the cuts on my arms but as they were done several days ago, they didn't hurt enough.I ran my hands through my hair and then suddenly yanked it as hard as possible. I screamed and I heard footsteps coming towards me fast.

Kaminari's P.O.V -

I ran after Sero, but he was really fast and I lost sight of him quickly. I ran a hand through my hair worriedly but it froze when I heard a scream.

I sprinted towards the source of the noise and saw something that made my blood run cold and my face pale with fear. Sero was yanking at his beautiful hair, screaming and crying. I could see that he couldn't breathe very well, due to his binder and the panic attack.

"Sero!" I said, out of breath,"Can you hear me? Can you-" My sentence was cut off as I looked into his eyes. Their shine made me do something completely unexpected.

I kissed him on the lips.I didn't know what was happening until it had and he pulled away, crying even more, and ran away again.


Kirishima's P.O.V -

I turned to the blonde headed asshole, Monoma, ready to start a fight, but then I recognised him as my childhood bully. I saw red and the next thing I knew, I was on top of him, my unhardened fist punching him in the face over and over and over. I was crying from pain in my knuckles, as I had not paused to activate my quirk, and also at the waves of memories that washed over me, constant hits and horrible words.

"Bastard!" I screamed, right into his shocked and very bloody face,"How...Dare...You...Call...Sero...That...Word!" I yelled between punches. I felt lots of eyes on me but I didn't care."This ones for Sero!" A punch to the collarbone."This is for my Moms!" One to the nose."And this one is from me and Koe, see you in hell, motherfucker!" I punched him square between the eyes and they closed as he passed out.

I just sat on him, tears streaming down my face as I screamed, releasing all my sadness and grief for my Mothers, for Sero and especially for me. I felt a pair of arms pull me off Monoma and embrace me. I hugged them back, sobbing into ash blonde hair.

Bakugo pulled away only for a few seconds to yell, "Move it, extras! Get out of my sight before I set you on fire." They all ran inside as the bell rung. He pulled me back into his arms as I felt a panic attack building. I desperately tried to breathe as I felt something choke me, not physically of course, but I knew it was Koe.

*aww the villain is standing up to the good guy? you deserve it,Kirishima! you said that we'll see him in hell, that's true but you are going there a lot sooner than I had planned*

What? What the hell are you going on about, going to hell soon? I am not dying yet, asshole! I thought angrily and confused.

*not hell like death, its going to be hell on earth for you*

What do you mean?! What's going to happen?!Koe? "Koe?!!" I said out loud, panicking. I pulled away from Bakugo. He gave me a weird look and then rolled his eyes, but stopped when he saw something on the roof. "What?" I asked bemused, trying to turn and look but he stopped me by grabbing my waist and pulling me into a hug. Before he did, I saw tears streaming down his cheeks and heard a thud. I yanked myself away from Bakugo and turned to see something I will never be able to get out of my mind.

Sero, staring up at the sky from where he was lying on his back. I was confused until I heard screams. I walked closer to him and saw that he wasn't able to stare at anything anymore. His eyes were glossed over and reflected the sky he would never see again. It hit me like a ton of bricks as I fell to my knees. The thud, screams and Bakugo's tears...Sero had jumped off the roof.

A river of tears flowed down my cheeks as I desperately yelled for help. I saw Kaminari burst through the crowd and, seeing Sero on the ground, dead, completely lost it.

"Come on Sero, this is not funny bro!" He didn't seem to get it. "Stop playing around, mate, jokes over." He said, walking over to Sero's body and trying to pull him up, expecting him to start laughing. When he didn't, Kaminari seemed to realise.

Kaminari P.O.V -

Sero's dead.

I broke down crying as I held his hand, begging him to come back to me.

"I NEVER TOLD HIM I LOVED HIM!" I screamed in pain, looking over at Bakugo and Mina who were hugging each other and bawling, and Kirishima was knelt next to Sero, tears pouring down his cheeks. Everyone was gathered around his body and Bakusquad was grieving right next to him.

No-One's P.O.V -

Sero's eyes could no longer see anything, nor could his ears hear, but if they could, they would hear Kaminari say something that may have saved his life "I love you, Hanta Sero."

And then,"Goodbye."

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