Chapter 6 - Kirishima's Secret

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Warning: Mentions of self-harm and blood in this one and also some smut. :)

Kirishima's P.O.V -

...I walked towards Bakugo, slowly, as I continued undoing the buttons on my shirt. When it was fully off I looked at him and, to my surprise, was a blushing mess and I noticed another part of him was excited too.

"Oh, Bakugo, I had no idea you felt this wa-"I was cut of by his lips smashing into mine.I froze for a couple of seconds and then started kissing back. Momentarily breaking the kiss, I pushed him onto the bed and got on top. I immediately pressed my lips to his once more. I slid my tongue over his bottom lip, begging for entrance, but I was denied; so I gently bit his lip and he gasped involuntarily and I seized this opportunity to slid my tongue inside his mouth.My tongue explored his mouth and he moaned, loudly, causing some shouts from downstairs.

Just then, as I pulled away, I felt really dizzy. I glanced at my thigh, remembering the massacre there earlier, to find my grey joggers soaked in my blood. "Kirishima?! What's wro- WHAT THE FUCK!? GUYS COME HERE! MY KIRI IS BLEEDING TO DEATH!" Bakugo yelled with, wait, tears in his eyes? "Oh, I didn't know you cared-" I whispered before I passed out. My last picture was of the door bursting open, Mina screaming and Bakugo holding me.

"Please be okay, Kiri. I-I love you."

I heard him say.

Then blackness overcame my vision as I passed out.


~ time skip to the next morning, at the hospital~

Bakugo's P.O.V -

I paced up and down in the waiting room, all the hospital noise turning into a buzz in my ears as I tried to piece together what had happened last night.

~ flashback ~

I held Kirishima in my arms as Mina called the ambulance. I was sobbing so much and I had Sero and Kaminari's arms around me.

I pulled Kiri's joggers down a bit to reveal a blood-soaked bandage, under that was the worst injury I have ever seen.

Hundreds of white scars  criss-crossing everywhere but, even worse, a whole field of ripped up flesh, cuts blurring together to form a sea of blood.

Yelling at Uraraka to grab some bandages, I tried to stop the bleeding with my shirt and, realising I needed more material, ended up ripping my shirt off and tried to stop the waterfall of blood from my Kiri's leg. Wait, since when was he my Kiri? Oh well I'll deal with that later.

When the ambulance lights starred blaring outside i carried Kirishima downstairs and out the door. I went with him to the hospital in the ambulance and Mina, Sero and Kaminari followed behind in a taxi. The others were gonna stay at Mina's and wait for updates because we didn't think the hospital would appreciate 19 worried 15 year olds filling up the waiting room.

When we got there, they told me that he needed a blood transfusion or he would die but he was AB- and they didn't have any because it was so rare.

That had rung a bell somewhere in my head;
I thought hard and remembered something. When i was a kid I had cracked my head open on a pavement and it wasn't too bad but i did need some blood. I remember my mother saying something like "Try and keep your blood inside your body, ok ? It's AB- which is very rare and precious."

" I am AB-!" I yell and the doctor takes me to a room straight away and takes some of my blood. I was given food and water and told not to move until I had consumed it, so I wolfed it down and ran back to Sero, Kaminari and Mina in the waiting room.

When I got there, they all put their arms around me.I wondered why until Sero said thank you for me giving some of my blood to save Kirishima. I didn't say a word and just hugged them back. We had stayed in each other's arms, sobbing, until early morning.

~ End of Flashback~


Hey Guys! I just wanted to say that I don't know Bakugo or Kirishima's blood types so I just went with a rare one.

Thanks for Reading!!


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