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Xiao Zhan's POV:

I tried calling his name, but he keeps glaring at me. Is there something wrong with me. Nah, that can't be it. I am awesome. I snigger. If Yong would have heard me self praise, I would have been hit by now. Ahem.

Alright, this has gone too far. I don't mind people looking at me, but his glares are getting on my nerves.

After leaving the teachers room, we reach the cafeteria, where I offer to buy him some food. At first, he was not ready to meet my eyes, he just kept scanning the cafeteria, but the moment we got our seat, he kept staring at me.

"Yo, Yibo!!!" I yell a little. Well that got him out of his stupor.

"Hm?" He questions in a baritone voice. Wow. It's deep.

"Do you want anything?"

He looks around and simply says coffee.

Well ok then. I get up to go and order and I feel his gaze on me.

He's got this amazing steal grey eyes. When I look back at him, yup, there's his glare again.

What's with him?

Choosing to ignore the glares and the gaze, I greet the staff and ask for Ms. Mei. They inform me that she's gone to the local market. After I order the coffee, they also give me extra cookies to go with it. See the perks of my smile.

With a tray full of goodies I place them on our table. He picks up his coffee cup with a slight nod and begins to take his first sip.

Wow. Look at those lips. His lips are glistening.

He quickly wipes the milk remnants away and I am sure my ears have turned red.

Great I am staring at this boy's lip. What's wrong with me?

Taking a quick gulp of my tea, I look at him squarely.

"Let's start with some introduction, eh?"

Looking straight at me, he questions me with atmost grace.

"What do you want to know?"

"Let's start with basics?"

"Alright, my name is Wang Yibo, as you already know, I have lived in Seoul for quite a while and just returned to China, to settle down" he takes another sip and yet again I am distracted.

"I need you, to teach me the intricacies of Laws in China" he simply states. "You're a legal student and so am I, the professor recommended me your name and I agreed. Your grades are good. I was told you want to become an officer and I, I want to become a lawyer". After that, he goes on to becoming his quite self. 

Lawyer. I am intrigued. He's definitely got that Aura.

"Alright, when do you want to start?" I take a sip of my tea.

"When can you move in with me?" He simply asks.

At that I spit out my sip of tea I just took, and burn my poor tongue.

What the heck???

My eyes tear out and quietly he gives me a tissue.

"Move in?" I wheeze. Oh my drama.

He shrugs "I need a full time tutor, move in with me" he take another distracting sip.


Wang Yibo's POV:

(Earlier after meeting Xiao Zhan in the Classroom)

"Kid" brother warmly greets me and I choose to ignore the name.

"I Found him" is all I need to say. I can hear my brother take a deep subtle breath at the other end.

"What do you need from me?"

"I want to bring him back home"

"You have my blessings" I can hear the smile in his voice.

I close my eyes. That's all that matters. My Wei Ying, with me. Forever.
His personality hasn't changed at all and that's been making me even more nostalgic about us.

How can someone never change for two lifetimes.

His antics. His eyes. His smile.

His mole under his lips.

How have I longed to bite that.

Feeling hot, I sip the coffee placed in front of me.

" can't just ask me that" he whines.

"I'll pay you well, you'll get free food, great accomodation, plus you can still do whatever you want to, all you have to do is, tutor me and move in with me"

"How long?" He contemplates.

"For however long I want" I place the cup on the table and get up.

Knowing him, I need to keep him on his feet. Wei Ying is a type of person who needs to have an upper hand, but will soon loose interest, if you don't challenge him.

Ending our conversation for now is the best thing, though I don't want to.

I place a card containing my information in front of him "If you so choose to accept, call me" with that I leave.

I know his gaze is on me. I can feel it.

Kindred Souls (Wei Wu Xian "X" Lan Wang Ji)Where stories live. Discover now