Something More

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Wang Yong's POV:

It's such a relief that Wei's back. He looks weak but I am glad he's alright. Now with his memories fully restored, it's funny that he teases me by calling me uncle.


Watching him talk so animatedly, it's a delight. It's as if all that ordeal never happened.

It's not as if nothing has changed at all. The first thing to change was Wangji's affection towards Wei. Now it's more pronounced. Wei's open flirtation with Wangji is even more hilarious. I cannot begin to say how many times I have walked in on them kissing or cuddling.

The other thing that has changed is the equation between Xi Chen and Me. Whatever happened in last few days, he's become more of an confidante for me. He's given me such insights of my past that now I yearn to learn more. 

Could I ever come to terms with what happened to my family? Maybe. Eventually.

It's when one such time I get a call from him against that I get anxious.


"Yong" he calls out pleasingly "don't worry, Wei and Wangji are absolutely alright" he pauses "this call is to rather enquire about you, how are you?"

Well this is a surprise "I am doing good. Well" I drag a little bit "I'll be more better, if you could help me once again"

"You want to know about your past?"


"How about we meet for Tea, say at about 6 today, I'll text you the address?"

"Sure" I immediate agree.

We hang up and just then Alden occupies the seat in front of me "sup"

I grin "Nothing, just finishing this assignment, what were you upto?"

He laughs and replies "I just called Wei and guess what" he lowers his volume "I bet he and Wangji were doing something naughty, his voice was all coarse and breathy" at that we both laugh.

Catching a cab, I give the directions to the driver and in the meanwhile I send a message to Xi Chen that I would be arriving soon.

Once I am comfortable, I reminisce through our nights at Cloud Recess. Every night after checking up on Wangji and Wei, Alden would go back to his room and work on his assignment, whereas we would just sit in his private study. I'd work on my thesis and he would be on conference call.

The first night he lent me his night clothes, the second night the same and well after that, whenever I entered my bedroom, there would be clothes on the bed. Same for Alden. We never packed our bags, so clothes were provided to us by them.

"It's good to have someone here" on such evening he commented.

I looked up from my laptop to him with a question.

"This house has been so quite, at times I never wanted to come back" he smiles "now with Wei here it's become so lively and more so with you all here, I like it" stating that he gets back to his work and so do I but now I am unable to concentrate on my work.

You too have led a lonely life, Xi Chen.

"Sir, we have arrived" the cab driver calls out. Paying him his money I thank him and get out. Looking at the only tea shop in the vicinity, it's quaint and beautiful. I enter and I hear my name being called out.

Turning, I want to catch my gasp. He's sitting there in a tight tshirt, with his hair all combed back and as he smiles, his chin dimple is more prominent.

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