Loving you, Always

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Wang Yibo's POV:

Watching him pack his bag, witnessing his passport and tickets on the bed, the finality of all crashes down on me.

He's leaving. Well you made him leave.

"...and don't forget our bunnies, I want to video chat with them too... Lan Zhan!!!" He yells and I shake my self from stupor.


"You didn't pay attention to what I have been talking about" he huffs.

"Wei" he must have sensed something in my voice. His face softens and he cups my face, kissing it softly, he hugs me.

In that one moment, I feel alive. In that one moment, I have lived a lifetime. In that one moment, it's us. Just us.


Threading our fingers together, we sit in silence as we head to the airport. His head lays on my shoulders and his fingers keep playing with mine. Brother is driving us and to keep him company is Yong in the passenger seat and behind us is Alden who looks as sad as we all feel.

Bags in the trolley, with one final hug, one lingering touch, and chaste kisses, he whispers "I'll be back and this time, I promise".

"I love you" I kiss him.

"And I will always love you" he grins.

With that one lingering look he bids us all farewell and leaves.

Journey back is as quite as it can be. Without another word, when we reach home, I bow slightly and leave the car and walk into our room. Zhan.

Lying on the bed, I can smell him. He's still here. That night they call me for dinner but unable to eat a morsel of food, I deny respectfully and try to go back to sleep.

For two days I shut myself in our room with only solace and companion are Ai and Sol, but the third day changes the game plan. I get a simple text "Reached safely. Don't sulk. I love you" and in that instant my mood is uplifted.

I know, I cannot go back to being who I was. Wei changed me. Zhan changed me.

(I know many fans didn't want them to separate, so respecting y'all, I am not going to write any separation scenes. I am directly skipping to the graduation scene, now why this small separation was important as in Xiao Zhan's education, will soon play an important vital role in the future)

6 years later

Xiao Zhan's POV:

I am excited beyond reason because today I can meet Lan Zhan. Finally I can go back home. But before that, I have a graduation ceremony to attend.

These 6 years have not been easy to say the least. Adjusting to the culture here, people here, everything was so different from back home. I made and met some amazing friends who have been a huge part in helping me adjust to this lifestyle, but nothing can compare to me missing Lan Zhan.
Even though we had video chatted everyday, whenever possible, I still missed him. For holidays either he'd come here or I would go home and *cough cough* first three days neither he nor I would even breathe the outside air if you know what I mean *wink wink*

One such time when I went back home for his graduation, we were almost delayed in reaching his ceremony.

My name is called out, Dr. Xiao Zhan, by the esteemed panel and I take the stage. My name is being cheered and I look towards the audience. Yup my friends and family and Lan Zhan who has a proud smile.

Only for you, my love.

6 years ago when I joined this University, my only aim was to graduate and leave but when I truly understood the mind of a criminal, I became intrigued. Meeting with criminals, understanding their psychology made me write my thesis in depth and thats when I chose to complete my PhD. Yibo, completely supported me for my endeavours.

And now all I need is him.


"Cheers to our Zhan Zhan" a chorus of cheers go around. I look at all the happy faces around me. Yong, Xi Chen, Alden and my friends who have been such a huge support system here for me, I grin.

"Xie Xie" I thank everyone.

I feel a quick steal of kiss on my neck and I look at Yibo beside me who is sitting quietly in a corner.

I wink.

Yes sweetie, we're so going to play tonight.


Coming up for air, I moan his name "Lan Zhan, how can you want more?" I tease "we've been going on for hours"

"Remember every day is every day" he bites my ear "now that we'll go home, forget eating and sleeping for few days"

And I literally forget everything for now.

Life with him will always be amazing and I know one thing for sure, I love him. Always and forever.


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