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Contains heavy Smut

Wang Yibo's POV:

Leaving him on the bed asleep, I walk away with a very heavy heart. If I stay in there, I'd want some more reassurance and that would not be good for us. He needs to rest and so do I. Sighing, I walk into our library and search of any information I could get from our ancient section on timelines.

I know it's going to be very difficult, but I won't loose hope.

"Need any help?" I turn around to see my brother, holding two mugs of coffee and dresses in night clothes.

"You're up so early?" I see the clock on the wall, it's just a little after 3am.

Giving me a mug and gesturing me to sit on a single seater next to the window, a single lamp is all that takes to give us the required light for us to see eachother's face. He takes the seat opposite to mine, sips his coffee and looks up straight at me "Heard the Chenqing play" and I inhale.

"I heard you run too. Saw you pick up Wei and bring him back to his room". I look away.

"Tell me, Yibo" he pleads.

Unable to keep the sorrow and worry in my heart, I tell him about the dream and everything. He listens to me patiently and encourages me to go on.

"I don't know what to do, brother. I feel like I am loosing him"

"Kid, look at me" when I look at him, the compassion in his eyes, makes my soul go weak. What would I do without you, brother.

"Kid, I have a suggestion" he smiles "Why don't you both go on a vacation, where it's just the two of you. Reconnect. Get to know eachother again. Help him heal" he looks at me with all seriousness when he says "and heal yourself".

I nod.

"And also don't worry, I'll help you find the book on the timeline issue. Trust me. We'll save him"

"Xie Xie" I bow humbly.


Xiao Zhan's POV:

"Wei" a warm voice calls out.

Hmmm I mumble.

"Wei" a voice blows next to my ear.


"Wake up, darling"

I urge my eyes to open and see a stunning beauty in front of me. Hair all wet, pink glistening lips, white shirt. Wet dream.

I grin. "Angel" I rasp.

He smiles and oh my heart.

"Get up, we need to leave"


"We're going on a small vacation"

"Only you and me?"


"I'll have you completely to me for the next few days?"


"No one else?"

He rolls his eyes "Just you and me".

So cute.

I grin "alright, when are we leaving?"

"In an hour's time, once you're ready, we'll have our breakfast and then leave"

"Great, by the way, where are we going?"

"We have a farm house tucked in the depths of the Gusu mountain. We're going there" he caresses my cheeks "it would be good for your health too" he whispers.

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