new friend

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2 moons2 fanfic.
Again iam barrowing the actors of the series. Thanks a lot.
Again this is out of my imaginations.

I don't know why out of a sudden this came in my mind.

Still doing the plot tho.

Hope you will like it.

And o, comments and corrections are welocme.


And here it goes again
(Cross fingers.)



First year.

Attention gatherer. Not only because of his height but also he is handsome.
Not too white but lighter than tan. Intimidating eyes, and what captivates the hearts of girls and boys men and women, the most is his smile.

First day of orientation. He walked in the uni gymn where all freshmen are gathered. He looked around to find his college assigned seat.

"Cool the nearest to the exit" he said not too loud but heard by someone.

"Yeah, also in Bussiness and Ecomics?" The guy next to him.

Benjamin looked at the guy seems familiar.
"Yeah. I'm Ben, Benjamin."

"I am Pavel."

They shake hands and proceed to their co-freshmen in their College.

As nearest to the exit they see everyone that comes in and out. Benjamin saw some old faces from his junior highschool, like Dome and Nine. With them Earth, how did he know Earth? He's a cousin of Dome. But who is the new guy that follows them? Seems like have not seen him before. Or just did not recognize him.
Well Nine and Dome are not just schoolmates but they used to be his best friends.

They take their places separately.

"Who are you eyeing?" With all curiosity Pavel asked.

"People i know from highschool."
Ben answered. But his eyes is fixed on someone he knows so well. And misses so much.

Pavel followed his eyes. He saw a cute guy, yeah he sees him a lot back in highschool. Earth. He looked around and smiled as he saw the cousin of Earth. Pavel knows full well that where Earth is, his cousin is just around.
He looked intently in Earth hoping the other will catch his attention. But nothing happened. Earth is too busy in his games on his phone.
He sigh i frustration.

"Why?" Benjamin asked and looked at him.

"See that guy, i wish he could look at me." He pointed at Earth.

Benjamin look at tbe direction Pavel is pointing at, it is Earth.
On no! EARTH!!!
He cleared his throat.
"Do you like him?"

Pavel lookedat him and smirked he wants to answer no, but his brain says something else.
"He is cute inside and out."
Pavel said smiling.

Benjamin just nods.
"Owh.. i see .."
He nods his head and again look at the cute person just Pavel said.
He likes him. Well who would not? Me? I don't like him... i loved him.. till now.. but...

Earth looked up, emmidiately he looked at Peval who sits beside him, looking at Earth his eyes travels from Earth to Pavel.
Are they talking to each other in the eyes.

Then Earth's attention back on his phone.

Pavel's phone vibrated. Pavel's attention then is on his phone.

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