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Earth's POV

What am i going to do now? I should not be on this kind. I cannot do this. They make me walk like model. I tried twice. They said it is good, i will just smile and it would all be fine. The senior put the pin in me it means i am one of those. Then they said i can go out and met my friends.

I saw Ben and Chen, where are the others?
Ben is looking at me. Smilling and i smile back at him. He looks excited. I almost froze looking at his smile. He looks more handsome, his best asset his smile. Shocks i am falling inlove again.

I am few metters away.

"Earth!" I looked around. My classmate. Can.
"You look good in that suit." His arm on my shoulder.I look at Ben his smile faded and eyes on Can's hand.

"Where are you going you should stay with us." Can siad.

"I will be there. I will just meet my friends. And my boyfriend."

Can looked at me and his hand slide away from my shoulder.
"Is he around?" He asked me looking around.

"Ehem... ehem..." Ben cleared his troat.
He is now standing beside me. He put an arm on my waist.
"Babe, where have you been?" He make sure Can, can hear him.

Can is shocked loooking at me and looking at him.

"Can this is Ben my boyfriend. Ben this is Can one of my classmates. He is nice." I said and winked at Ben.

Ben exended his hand. "Hi" he siad and smiled.

"Hi" Can also said and shake Ben's hand.

"Hey Can," Chen walked closer to us. "Ben, we need to go."

I looked at him in a questioning look.

"We have a mission tonight babe. But i will be with you once it is over okay?" He pecked on my lips.

O my did someone see us? Yes Can, who is mouth opened.
"We gotta go..i love you Earth." He said
Chen tapped my shoulder and  both of them meet the pageant organizer and they are lead to the table below the stage.

"Earth, um.. let's go in our faculty seat. Our classmates are there. The angels are also there". Can distanced himself from me. Well i understand, this munchkin is touchy person. But seeing Ben, it might warned him.

We greeted our classmates. I secretly removed my pin and kept it my bag.

The angels appreciated my suit. How i look good on it. They even asked the designer. I just smiled and said i don't know, it is Ben who chose it it just delivered to me and ordered to wear it later.

"I wish i have a boyfriend like him." Red said in a gesture of praying.
"B*tch, how can you have a boyfriend with that face." Ele said (e-fatty/ elephatnt)

And the war begin again.

"Are they for real?" Can asked me
"Get used to it" i said and smiled.

Our classmates came to me and put some stickers on my suit. They wont ruin my suit. I take my seat trying to hifde, i know what these stickers means. Votes. Some boys came to us the angels blocked them but they said they are just gonna put the stickers. Mon. Make me sit on a plastic chair out of my hiding place. Then 10 and more people sorrounds me me put stickers on. 5 came to put the stcikers. Then another batch, then another.

"How did you find me?" I asked Perth.
"Well your photo is in line wuth the others in the entrance with your course." He said. "Good luck nuddy." He said

"Hey i dont like this."

He just laughed. :0"you've got no choice my friend." He ssid and left.

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