parade me

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Benjamin's POV

I can see happiness and excotement in my baby's face and movements. I am so laughing when we went shopping this morning. He made sure that our attire for tonight will match.we ended up buying couple hawaian short sleve polo. The event does not need attire.

He wears white but the prints of bamboo leaves on it are black. While i wear black with white bamboo leaves print on it.

The rest of our friends teases us. When we met them before we leave the dorm. We ride three cats, with our our better half witb is in each. The convoy leads to the known building, where famous celebrities and known names in politics and bussiness industries.

We get out of our cars. Earth clings to me. I held his hand.
"Nervous?" I asked him

"Excited it is." He said.
"Babe, thank you for letting us attend."

I smiled at him. He cupped my cheek with his free hand and pulled me for a peck.
His smile is so sweet that melted me.

"Ben, for the long time we 've been friends. This is the first time i saw you blush." Dome said.
Well what can i do.
I just smiled at him and more teasing from our friends.

Dome and Pavel lead the way. A receptionist checked our invitations before they let us on. They gave us a paper bracelet.

The place is so partying. But does not smell like boost. The lights are dim but loaded with neon lights. And the music. Not too loud. People can hear wisphers.
The vibe of the place is wholesome and friendly.

The six of us stands three steps away from the entrance.

"They made it!" E heard a voice. "Guys they made it!!" Again he shouts. I saw a guy but cannot see his face yet, walking towards us and there are seven of them.
I thought i would be the only one left out.

But Chen wisphered something to me.
"Do you know them?"

"Only Frank and Toey also." I wisphered back.

"I know Toey and Pluem byt the rest not much" he said. But Nine, Fome, Pavel and Earth knows them.

But Earth, never let go of my hand. Introduced me to everyone. "Ben, my boyfriend."

They cheered. The one named Chimmon stands closer to me. I thought he will say something, he is so serious. But then he smiled and shake my hand.

They invited us to take our seat somewhere. Nanon excused himself. But he and Dome hugged first before he left and entertain others.

The guys are so funny. I just listen to their stories. I felt never left out. Specially under the table on Earth's lap his fingers interwinds with his. He really never let go of my hands.

I am jist smiling around, i may not connect to their stories and catch ups. This also makes me learn Earyh' whereabouts gor two years.

Then i realized. These kids are celebrities.

All of them are called by Nannon. They exvused themselves and leave us. But finger foods was served to us.

The party started. It begun with Nannon's speech thanking the vositors and special mention of our names.
Their group enteryained us through their singing and dancing.

Earth cannot clap i let go of his hand but he tighten his grip and looked at me.
Our friends laughed when they learned what is going on with our hands.

"Ben?" Pavel asked i shook my hands.

"Earth he will not disappear." Dome said.

Chen and Nine is in their own bubbles again.

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