just a hug

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Benjamin's POV

I woke up and happy to see the back of Earth on the other bed. I embraced my pillow and his scent is still there. I wish i can hug the real him, and not just this pillow.

His alarm sounded and he is like a zombie that walks in the bathroom. I called for simple breakfast. Forriage. They also deliver. I asked they put some eggs and chicken bits and all they add in except the chilli.

The delivery is quick. When i paid for it and closed the door Earth get out of the bathroom.

"Wake me up before you leave." He talks like a sleepy child.

"No! Wake up and eat with me." I placed the food in the small table in front of the sofa facing the two beds.
"Come on this is more delicious when still hot." Still he did not get up.
"Ert, if i make my way to your bed, we botb wont get up untill 9am baby."

"Stop teasing me!" He shouted. "Fine i am coming"

I laughed at his cuteness pouting. O, how i wish to kiss that pouty lips. He sat beside me, and i can smell his scent mixed witb his perfume with his body soap. He must washed his face. I want to sniff him and burry my nose on him.

He made the distance between us he picked the through pillow and sat on it infront of me.
I felt abandoned, a bit, but seeing his face is better.

"I have a great view" i said.
He looked at me and rolled his eyes.

"Will you just eat, we also need to apply more meds on your lip. So eat now." He said. He is annoyed.

"How was your trip?"
He looked at me after i asked him.

"I met a friend of my grandpa. And it was nice trip." He smiled.

S***!!!! The smile that melts my heart and makes me crazy. I miss this smile. I did not realize i am mimiking his smile.

"Smile often will you?" I asked him. But his smile faded.
"What happened to the smile?" I mouthed.

"You are not eating! Look you have not taken your bath yet. And what time is it?" He sounds like a nagging wife. And i love it.

I digged in my food, yeah this is good but hard to eat it is really hot. I looked at him and caught him looking at me he lowered his eyes but his face flushed pink and i love it.
I am now again looking at him no staring at him.

"Benjamin! Eat now, please." He said in low tone voice and soft.

I blew and put the spoonfull in my mouth and eat the rest of my breakfast.

"Take your bath first, then let us see what we can do to that lip."

I nooded at him and smile. I want him to smile but he bit his lower lip to hide. Shocks that action makes me want to jump on him and devour his lips.

"Benjamin, you've been standing there for five minutes. If you are not gonna take your bath now i will." Again nagging. Well i am not irritated. I love it.

"What about we bathe together." I teased him. He picked my towel placed it in  my shoulder and pushed me in the bathroom.

After my bath and daily bathroom routine. I went out with only a medium towel that covers my manhood. It is his fault, he pushed me in the bathroom with only a towel, not even an underwear. Just one medium towel. Water drips on my body. I looked at him and he is on his phone. I looked around and everything is clean.

Wow the rich young master can clean now. After 2 years he have grown a lot. He walked in the bathroom and closed the door. My call time is 8:30. It is now pass 8.

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