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Nine's POV

I was nervous when i woke up that i am hugging a pillow and not Chen. I get up and look for my phone. I texted him, and asked where is he. Then i went to the bathroom.

I walked outof the room and meet his mom, she invited me for coffee.
Dad is already on the breakfast table, with coffee and bread. He also invited me to sit with them.

With their stories and chaitchats i forget that i was looking for Chen. Not long enough, dad needs to gonto his office.
Mom woukd be busted if Chen would know what she is doing.

Showing me the old photos, the funny and embarssing ones. I know Chen does nog want me to see.

And speaking of who?

"Mom, do you have any idea where Chen went?" I asked Mom.

She loked at me.

"He said he has errands to do and asked me to take care of you for a while." She said.

I feel like mom knows where exactly Chen went to but she has to keep it from me. For now.
But i felt nervous. I have no idea why.

Mom needs to go to the super market and groceries. I volunteered to drive  her and one their house helper.
I had fun being with her. I never had this fun with my mom when we go to the groceries. Speaking of which. I dont want to let them know i am in town. Why did i forget about that?
I wish my mom will not come to grocery store today, or i wish she is done. Or she will come later. Or go to other stores.

I followed Chen's Mom to where she goes and pushes the basket.
I wonder what will be for lunch.

After an hour i drive mom back home.
I looked for my phone and i have tons of missed call from my mom. Gosh! Did she saw me? Or someone elase did, and they told her?

I called her back.
But she is not answering.
Then i recieved a text message.
Come home asap. Emergency.
It was from mom.

I run to the bathroom and take my bath.
I then tell Chen's mom i need to go home, it is an emergency.
Mom did not stopped me. But wished me luck and kissed my head.

I drive my car home. It was less that 20 minutes.

As i get off form the car and walk to the door, i feel really nervous. I am the son of the house, but i knocked at the door.

Our house helper opened it. I smiled at her, but i felt like she is afraid to see me.

I was stopped when i saw the person sitting in the living room.
Why din't he tell me.

I greeted my parents and sit beside him.

"Nine, as we suspected, he is the Chen you told us?" Asked by Dad who is mad.
"Now, how long is this relationship?"

This is the emergency. My boyfriend appeared in my parent's door and declared to every one  that we are dating!

I am so dead

I cleared my troat and said, Yes with confidence though inside me i wanna throw up for being stressed
I hold his hand. This is it. Together, we will face this.
He looked at me and smiled. I cannot determine if he is nervous, because i know i am so damn, nervous.

I am not yet prepared to face my own parents because they are difficult to accept new things, they are traditional people. Conservative i may add.

"What if i ask you to stop this nonesense." Dad said. I kniw the way he speaks and facial reactions he is damn mad.

I gather all my courage.
"Dad why? When did love became nonsense."

"But i promosed a friend to be bethrown to you." Dad shouted. He stood and stormed out of the living room.

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