when love is not enough

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Earth's POV

I am inside the toilet. The angels are with me. Chen texted me he is outside also, and so are the engineers.

Then there is knock on the door. It was Dome, the angels opened the door and let Dome in i saw hoew the kings protects the door.

This is nightmare.

Dome came to me and embraced me.

"Red you and Earth have same size. To get out of here this what we should do.  You Red exchange bag both needs to wear cap. Angels protect Earth and bring him to his dorm, while i bring Red there later. Don't open the door unless it was us or Ben."

The angels understand.
We all wear our jacket and hood with cap on. Hide our faces, with mask and shades that Dome gave us. As Dome get out protecting Red, i saw the kings and Leam to protect them. Then me and angels, walk proudly, i know how Red moves and i moved like them but the guys who where chasing me, where gone. I rode Fatty's car like nothing happened. Then we reached my dorm. I opened it with my keys. We entered and locked it. I removed my jacket and mask and cap. It was hot, i set the A/c on a colder temp. And waited for the rest.

Dome knocked and they all entered. Red Dome pavel Nine and Chen.

"That was fun ... I walked freely." I said.

"Why are those assholes chasing you?" Dome asked.

"I already told them i have a boyfriend but believed not.. they also questioned me why i ate their gift. I said i did not eat any of it and gave them to you guys."
I paused and drinked water.

"The engineers took care of them." Chen said.
"They promised not to bother you again." He added.

"Wait why are they chasing after you, knowing you have a boyfriend." Nine asked annoyed

I just looked at them.

"Because of the rumor."Monti said.
"The rumor says Earth is single. Because they saw Earth and Ben fights. They saw Ben dates Pring."
Red said.
"I envy this bitch" Fatty said. "Since the rumor spread, those who have crush on him, from selection of the pagent, fall in line to ak for a chance. Promises and tales of true love they give him .. ugh!!"Fatty said. And rolled his eyes on me.

"Even girls confess to him."  Yacht added.

"Yeah, i remember, one of my block mates asks for your number. I said to him i lost your number because you changed your number." Chen siad.

I sighed.
"Why me?" I asked.
"Nine is adorable. James alao and  there Chen  university representative why me? Also Forth and the humanities. The angels. And a pot of beautiful girls in the uni. Why me?"
I asked. I leaned on the wall.

"Earth, i told you before, people will come to you once they saw you inside and out." My cousin said.

Knock on the door. They all froze but i know that knock. I signed them to keep quiet. And in a few seconds. The door opened.
As who i expected. Benjamin.

"We better leave." Monti said. And everyone left. Leaving me and Ben alone.

I am still leaning on the wall. He came to me and kiss me.
I am sad, and i nedd him.
I wrap my hands on  his neck.
"Will you stay for the night?" I asked him.

He shakes his head.
I sighed and pushed him. He catched my hand.
"I can stay untill seven. I have a dinner apointment." He said.
He hugged me.
"I am yours babe." He said and kissed me. But what i saw boiled my blood and pushed him again.

He was starled to see me.

"Before you come to me next time and kiss me and hug me and tell me you are mine. Would you remove a girl's lipstick stain on your clothes first, or will you change first!!"
I was shouting and throwingg things at him.
I am in a histerical stage.

"Get out please i don't wanna see you. Go to your dinner apointment" i pushed him out of my room.
"I dont want a fight. If you will stay we will only fight. Please atleast respect me."
I said.. i was to close the door but he pushed it. It was opened. He closed it and pinned me on it.

I did not fight anymore and did not look at him.
"Babe, listen, i never knew how this happenes. Please i love you."

"I know you do. But please, leave now. I know you love me. But there are times when i love you is not enough Benjamin." I said and leaned on his chest.
"I am tired. So tired. I had the worst day. Let me have my peace. I love you but we both need this." I said.

He let go of my hand.
But he cupped my face with his two hands.

"Look at me baby, please."
Sh*t!! Tears!!!
I kissd him and hugged him.

"I love you" i said.
"But there are thing you need to fix." I said and kiss him again. I want to let him know that i am not mad at him, i am just tired, and i am willing to listen but not today, not tonight.

"Babe, please donot break up with me."

I smiled.
"I am not, i just said ilove you right? I do, come back tomorrow with breakfast okay?" I said and smiled again.

He kissed me and i recieved and reciprocate it. Now i dont want him to leave but he needs to.
I gasp as i feel his hands under my shirt.
"Stop." I said and puahed him
He groans in frustration. He pecked all over my face.

"I am yours, all yours" he said and gave me last passionate kiss. Then leave.

I made  my assignments after he left. I trust love, and i trust him more. I have ideas who made the rumors, and i know who owns that lipstick.
I sighed.
Dome and Pavel came to give me dinner.
Then left also seeing iam on my studies.

I am studying really, but thoughts of Ben, comes back to me, i shake it off. And focus on studying.

I closed my lights at 11pm and tried to sleep. But i heard my door lock opened.
I smell his shampoo as he lays beside me and hugged me.
"With or without your permission, i will stay here tosnight." He wisphered and kissed me. I did not respond pretending sleeping,
"Shit Ert, i might rape you if you stay this adorable."

So do what  you want i will not stop you. I said to myself. He kiss rolls all over my face. His hands travel on my chest lower to my stomach but he stopped.
"I love you, i can't do it if you are unconcious." He wisphered.
"Good night."

I smiled as he embrace me.
Then slowly, sleep crept on me.

I wake up and embraced him. With my eyes closed. He kissed my head i looked at him. He smiled at me.
"Good morning" he said. Was about to kiss my lips but i moved my face away.

"Where is breakfast?" I asked.

"Okay, i will get some." He kissed my cheeks and stand up and grabbed his wallet. Then get out of the room.

I gighled. And i went to the bathroom. And took my bath. I walked out of the bathroom with only a piece of towel to tease him. But i am surprised when he pinned me on the wall. And ravished my bare skin.

I moaned in excitement, happiness and lust. BUT!!! I have classes today.

"Babe, we have classes today." I said. Then he removed his clothes and carried me back to the bathroom.

"We will be quick" he said and pinned me on the wall inside the bathroom.

I am not gonna let him in me today, no way! But he pleads as he is hardened.
I smirjed, i made him hard easily today. He is really horny.
I kissed him  as i do it passionately i gave him a hand job. He gave me also, and we both cummed

He gave me smirk and placed hickeys on me.  I smile for he does not know he has a lot.

He drove me to my college after breakfast.
"Babe, see you at lunch." He said.

"Dont say thing you cannot do properly." I said and kiss his cheeks and get out of the car. Walking straight to my class without lookimg back.

I wanna go back the moment i saw the angels.
I am doomed. This would be one of the days that i want to run out my college and hide myself in that coffee shop where i met Bas.

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