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Benjamin's POV

"Ben!!!! Benjamin!!!"
Pavel shakes my shoulder to wake me up from day dream.

What am i dreaming about? My baby.
The way he moved last night after our dinner. His scheme of secretly taking me out. The way we do it in that small space. The way he made crazy while i am driving us back to the dorm, the way he allurs me he woke up this  morning.

He woke up with terrible head ache, and connot move his body but still horny and hot. I almost lost it again.

"Ouch!!!" I shouted. I am smashed in my head  Nine and Dome both holds a book. That might be the things they used.
"It hurts." I said.

"What time is it?" Dome said.

"Pass 11." Pavel said.

"O sh^t !!!! " i mouthed and gather my things.
"I gotto go, to Earth." I said and run to my car.

While driving i called Nome's place # so i can order and i will just pick it up.
I reached the place and they asked me for another 10 minutes.
I called Earth the phone is ringing but not answering, maybe still sleeping.

My orders came earlier than time.
I rushed to my dorm where i left Earth. I opened the door using my keys. And there he is standing putting shirts on.

He smiled at me and walked to me.

"So early for lunch" he said and kissed my cheeks.

"I miss you" i said and placed the food in the table.

"How was your class?" He asked me.

"Not much." I said as i get some bowl and plates.

"Not much?" He mimiked.

I laughed and moved closer to him. He wrap his hands on my neck.
"How was class?" He asked me again.

"It was fine, not much i was thing of you. I..."
I am cut witb his kiss.

"Thinking of that?" He asked one eyebrow up.

I smiled.
But his smile faded.

"You should focus on your studies and classes.": he said sadly and let go of me. He looked disapointed.

I sighed and embraced him.

"Okey, sorry, i will starting this afternoon. I don't wanna disapoint my wife anymore." I said and kissed his neck.

"Wife? I am a husband." He said.

"Okay, husband bottom, can i kiss you more?" I asked him. I really wanna devour him for lunch. As my appetizer, main course and dessert.

He faced me.
"No, i am still hurting a bit, control yourself, and you have classes."

I pouted.

"But you just promised that you will focus." He said  like a child pouting.

Gosh! I might not control me anymore if this continues.

"But i passed the quiz, i was on top 3." I said.

He hugged me again.
"Then a kiss is enough for a prize." He said and pecked on my lips, but i catched it and deepen it. He did not protest.
I am doomed.
I am doomed.
I felt my pants got tighter. He tighten his embrace and started to un botton my polo.

Perfect lunch. He lost it also. But i must be gentle, he said he is still hurting.
His brain and mouth protests but his body longs for me. And i am delighted. I got us both naked in bed.

It was quick but enough to bring us to bliss and satisfaction.  I put on boxers and sando, he stood and prepare lunch.

Shocks i felt guilty seeing him limping a litle. He said he was hurt a bit, but it looks worst. I carried him back to bed.
"I will do it babe. I hurt you din't i?"

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