The phone call

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Millie has drifted off to sleep about an hour ago and I was busy making her some Noodles and just as I was about to turn on the kettle for her tea I heard a couple off notifications go off on her phone. I shrugged it off and continued to make her food. I was now almost done the whole food when more and more notifications began going off on her phone. I sighed and walked over to turn off the notifications when all of a sudden I saw about a million messages from 'J' on her phone. I thought for a moment before turning it off,but just then another came up. I gulped and decided to read at least one. It couldn't be that bad, right?

•where the fuck did you go you slut?!
•you can't just run away from your fucking problems whore.
•and to think I was this close to actually loving you
•Iris is better at anything you could ever fucking do

I furrowed my eye brows and felt a sudden rage fill me, but as soon as o had read only a few of the messages her phone began ringing. I let it ring a few times before answering it and putting it to my ear. "You fucking whore-" he was about to continue his sentence but I soon cut him off by saying "Shut it Saggytits." I heard him let out a huff and say "Who the fuck do you think you are?!" I sighed and said "I'm the person your talking too." I wanted to be sarcastic and not a total dick but soon he said "Oh so your the guy that's been fucking MY wife. Enjoy my sloppy seconds." I let the sarcasm go and said "first,no I'm not fucking your Ex* Wife." I corrected him. "And second, she's not your sloppy seconds. She's a beautiful independent woman who knows how to say no to scumbags like you,so fuck off." He tried to say something back but I never heard anything. I scoffed and hung up putting the phone back down. He didn't call or text after that. I then turned back to the kitchen and finished Millie's food.

"F-finn?" I heard as I walked into the living room where Millie was sleeping. "Oh hey Mills. I made you a snack." She smiled lazily and sat up "thank you finnie." She Soon picked up her phone to see who had been texting her but I snatched it from her hands and said "Enjoy your food love." She smiled and began to eat.

Wait... did I just call her love..?!

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