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Finn and I were in work and he had just dropped me off into my cubical, when Noah came up behind me and said "Hey Millister! Where's your car did you get a cab?" I gulped and turned to face him. "Uh no,I've been staying with Finn for a while." Noah sighed and sat on my desk "So uh.. How's everything With Jacob.." I gulped again and said "We're getting a divorce." I sniffles and wiped away my few tears. "Oh Millie I'm so sorry.." I stopped him and said "It's for the best Noah. I'm happier With Finn now." I smiled at my words. I really was Happier.

I had dropped Millie off at her cubical and went into the lunch room to get some water. Once I got back I stopped to tie my lace and saw Noah next to Millie. I decided to.. eaves drop. "It's for the best Noah. I'm happier with Finn now." I smiled at her words but it was immediately stopped by my worrying thoughts. 'What if I wasn't good enough..' 'what if I ruined her relationship' I stopped myself before it got any worse and walked to my cubical.

"Finn?" Millie Said approaching my desk. I looked up and smiled "Hey Mills." She giggled at the nickname. "So what are we doing for dinner?" I thought for a moment and said "we can get a takeaway?" (Ordering food from a place like macdonalds,dominos,etc) she smiled and said "I was thinking maybe we could go for a dinner date?" I smiled happily and said "Okay! So where too?" I spun my chair around so I could face her fully and she sat on my lap. She kissed my cheek and said "Enzos?" I chuckled and said "Okay,so 8?" She sighed and said "10?" I smirked and said "Why 10?" She shrugged and said "I got the late shift." I sighed and slumped into my chair with her still in my arms "I'll have plenty of time to get ready, because I only get out at 8." I sighed and she Buried her head into my shoulder. "Okay Mills." I kissed her forehead and already began planning our date.

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