Chubby bunny

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I was currently working the late night shift with Gaten and Noah and we were trying to find out how many marshmallows we could fit into our mouths "Chubby-Bunny" gaten said putting his tenth marshmallow in. His cheeks were puffed and so was everyone else's "Chubby-Bunny" Noah said. I put in two at once and said a very muffled "Chubby bunny" Soon Noah and gaten spat there's out and I had gotten up to twenty in my mouth. "Chubby....B-bunny" I said slowly with a mouth full. The boys made me fit about five more in before I spit them all out in a puking like way but I soon heard laughter from the boys "What?" I asked simply. Noah laughed and pointed behind me Were I saw Finn standing there starring at me. "Oh god" I said putting my hands into my face.

This isn't the date just yet but it will be soon,hope you enjoy this little funny ish thing

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