The meeting

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Millie has been in the shower for a good twenty minutes and I was starting to get restless. It wasn't that I was angry at her,I was just in need of a shower too. Maybe we could take one together-

Before I could even finish thinking a loud knock was on the door. I walked towards it groaning and opened it to see A man who was a little shorter then me with brown hair and a tanned face. "Can I help you?" I asked wanting to end the conversation already. He sighed and rolled his eyes. "I'm Jacob." I gulped and held out my hand. "Finn. Finn Wolfhard." He nodded and didn't take my hand so I pulled it back to my side.

"I'm trying to be civil here." I said in a stern voice. "Well I'm not." I rolled my eyes and said "then why are you here?" He sighed and said "I wanted to speak with you." I gulped and said "Why me exactly?" He smirked at me and said "You are a home wrecker,and I hear you have quite the cash." I rolled my eyes and said "First,no I am not a home wrecker,if anything you are responsible for tuning your relation ship. And second,yes I do have 'quite the cash' because i work my ass off. You should try it some time instead of living off of Millie."

He gulped and said "well you are 'loaded' so I'm expecting some of that money with the divorce,as well as all of her money." I scoffed and said "your not getting jack shit from me Or Millie, and I can get a lawyer to make sure of that." He rolled his eyes and said "Fine,but I'm still getting something from you." I sighed and said "And what exactly is that?" He gulped trying to think of something to say "Uh-I uh.." I chuckled.

"Exactly,your getting nothing from me or Millie." He sighed and tried to walk in but I stopped him. "Your not welcome here." He scoffed and said "I'm here to see my wife as well." I smirked and said "Don't you mean ex wife?" He scoffed and walked out of the house.

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