8 / 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞

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- 𝐬𝐚𝐟𝐞 -


After hours and hours, I'm still laying on the bed. My bed for probably a long time again. My mind has wandered everywhere.

I'm shocked by myself that I thought about killing the handler. Let alone telling her everything. I've started to care for her a long time ago.

I've thought about killing her before, I almost killed her but I didn't. What if I'm not going to be able to kill her when I have to? Does that mean that I'm a coward?

The real and first cause of the apocalypse is scared to kill. I shouldn't have trouble with it. I'm literally made to kill billions of people. But I stopped even that.

There were many more thoughts but one really kept coming back. It wasn't a thought actually. It was a sentence. "I'm doing this because I care for you and because I love you y/n." That's what Five had said to me.

It has been stuck in my head for hours now. If he still loves me, then why did he ask Flore out?

Because he needed a normal life. That was his reason right?

I stand up and walk to the door. I had hoped that the feeling of being locked up would never return but it did. So many times that I've been locked up and every time I accomplish to escape. But now I'm not sure if I will.

I kneel down in front of the door and lay my hand upon it.

"I'm sorry for this mess Five." I whisper.

Just as I close my eyes, the ground underneath me starts to shake.

"What the hell." I say, standing up. I look down to see that my hands are shaking too. What is happening?

These walls are dampening my powers so this can't be real. Am I imagining all of this? Is the need to escape that big?

My frown gets bigger and my mouth falls open when the walls fall down.

Is this my doing?

I scan the hallway and notice that it was just my room. My hands, which were just shaking a few moments ago, are now also heating up.

"Y/n?!" I hear Five his voice calling me from a cell further in the hallway.

"Five?" A sob leaves my lips and I realize that I'm losing control over my emotions. Not knowing what else I can do, I run up to Five's cell and look through the small window.

He's standing with his face close to the window. I can see his chest going up and down rapidly, telling me that he's full of adrenaline.

With my hands that are still shaking, I look at him, needing to feel the feeling of safety that he used to give me.

I needed that. I needed him to reassure me. To calm me down. To be there for me.

"Take a few steps backwards." I order him and I'm surprised that I'm able to say a whole sentence at this point.

He does as I've ordered him to and I start to concentrate on the walls of his cell. It doesn't take long until they also fall down.

A relieved smile comes upon my lips as I fall on my knees, needing the many emotions to go away. I need the adrenaline in my blood to leave.

Five doesn't doubt to run towards me and take my shaking hands in his.

"I'm here." He says, looking at my shaking hands. A hand of Five's removes itself from mine and lays itself upon my wet stained cheek. Another sob escapes my lips as I lay my head into his hand.

"You aren't alone y/n. I'm here." He whispers as I look at him. His eyes aren't full of worry as I expected them to be. No, they're full of hope and life. They show me that he isn't afraid of me and my powers.

"You won't always be here." I look down, not wanting to see the hope draining from his eyes.

It is true. He won't always be here for me. He has a girlfriend. Flore might be causing the apocalypse right now but she is still his girlfriend and I am not.

"Not everything is as it seems y/n." He says, closing his eyes. I look up at him, curious about what he meant. What is not as it seems?

Five feels my eyes upon him and he takes this as a chance to lean his forehead against mine again and I don't pull away. I happily let him.

His eyes open again and he stares into mine just like he used to when we were still each other's.

"What do you mean by that?" I ask him, needing to know. Five's fingers from his hand on my cheek carres my cheek's wet skin as he keeps looking into my eyes, giving me the feeling back in my belly that he always used to give me.

"I'll tell you everything but first we need to get away." He smiles as a sob escapes his lips "Somewhere where we can't get shooten and killed."

"Yes please." I don't fight back the smile that comes as he tightens his grip on my hand. He stands up and extends his hand for me to grab so he can help me to stand up. I accept his kind offer and let him help me.

The familiar blue light appears again as his arm sneaks around my waist.

Just as we used to, we disappear in a blink of an eye and let the commission behind us.

When I open my eyes again, I see that Five time traveled us to his room before the apocalypse. He brought us to a calmer placd so we can talk. I'm not quite sure how I feel when I think of us talking about everything.

Before he can open his mouth to start the conversation, I do it before him.

"Not everything is at it seems." I repeat what he said back at the commission "Explain me everything Five because I have absolutely no idea what you meant by that.."

Five sits down on his bed, ready to talk. Hopefully.

"Flore and I were friends for around a year. After spending time with her, I found out that she's the new cause of the apocalypse. Her feelings grew rather quickly and I wanted to stop the apocalypse so I spend even more time with her. You were able to stop the apocalypse from happening so I was wondering if she could too." He says.

"You pretended to love her?" I ask him, looking down at him.

I can't help but wonder if he had done the exact same thing to me? Was it just to stop the apocalypse?

"At first, yes. But then I guess my feelings towards her also started growing. I started to really care for her. It wasn't the exact same feeling that I had and still have with you but I guess that I just needed. . someone to protect."

"You replaced me so quickly." I sigh, looking away from him.

"No." He immediately stands up and attempts to grab my hand but I pull away. "I never replaced you."

"I could never replace you." This time he succeeds to grab my hand and I close my eyes, needing to think straight.

"You changed me y/n. I don't know how you did it but you unfroze my heart of ice. I thought of myself as a monster for killing for the commission but your joy and your love brightened up my life and changed me completely."

"If you say that I really did change you. . Do you think that you are able to change me too? Do you think that you can gets all of these awful thoughts to leave my head?" I ask him, finally opening up.

I turn my head to face him. His eyes are upon me and I can feel his finger making circles on my shaking hand.

"I already did before. I can do it again." He says, hope is clear in his voice.

My eyes fall upon our hands and his fingers still stroking mine.

"I missed you Five." I start to sob.

He opens his arms immediately and I don't think twice about it. I let myself fall in his arms. My safe place.

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