where ther's an actor there's an artist

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"Do you have everything now darling?" my mum asked me. "Yes I think so" I said smiling to her.

"Good, you'll be fine I promise you"

"Thanks, just promise me that you will take care of Max, alright?" I looked over to my cat who sat licking his paw before looking at me with his big round eyes. I sat down and reached my hand to him to stroke his long fluffy fur.

"Bye max" I stood up and gave my mum and brother a good bye hug.

I got outside and saw my dad was waiting in the car. I waved one last time to my mum and brother before turning around and sat down in the car seat. "Are you ready for this?" my dad said to me with a little tear in one of his eyes. "Yeah I'll be fine dad" I said while trying not to cry.

"Okay... But call if anything goes wrong" he said ancious

"I'll do that" he drove me to the airport and stopped the car outside. "Do you want me to come in with you or are you going to take it from here on. "I got it, I can find my way in on my own." I said with a small smile. He helped me with my luggage, and gave me a big hug and said "take care"

The flight trip went really well. On the way down I got really inspired to draw London, it was so cool. I've never been in London before and now I was moving there. I got so excited, I probably looked like an idiot while I tried to see as much as possible of London by squeezing my face to the airplane window.

I walked out of the airport and looked around, and it was truly beautiful here. I called at a taxi and got him to drive to my address. He stopped outside of my apartment and got out my luggage.

I took my backpack up and searched for my key and my pencil case fell out "no!" I trot over to it and stumbled on a stick and fell over. "Are you okay there?" a tall man walked over to me "let me help you up" he reached his hand to me and helped me up. "Oh, that's a nasty cut" he said worried. I took my hand up to my forehead and felt a bloody scar. "oh hold on" He removed the supportive hand he had on my back to pick up the pencil case, and I almost fell over. He quickly grabs ahold of me so i didn't hit the ground "I'm sorry, I'm just a little dizzy" I said quiet "you don't need to apologies. Here let me help you inside" he helped me over to my door and asked for my key, I handed over my key that was in my left hand. He opened my door and helped me over to couch. Some of my furniture's had already came, which I was happy about. "Wait here, I'm going to get your luggage"

What is even going on, I felt so confused. Before I knew it he was back with my luggage. "Do you want some water?" he friendly asked me. "Yes that would be nice" I said trying to smile to him as I felt the headache killing me, not literally but yeah. He came back with water and some painkillers, "here you go" he gave me the water and placed the painkillers at the table.

"Thank you so much um...?" I said trying to hint him to say his name. "Oh, how rude of me. I'm Tom" he said with a smile. "I'm Liz" I said smiling back at him. "Well Liz, I hope you feel better but if not I think you should call the doctor. I'll better be on my way. And you should probably clean that scar on your forehead when you feel better. Other than that I hope I can see you another time Liz" he said kindly "yes, thank you again. It was really kind of you to help me like that" I said with a shy smile "oh, no problem." He stood there some seconds looking into my eyes before he turned around and walked out of the door.

If everyone in London is as kind as Tom I'm going to love it here. I felt a little better so I went to clean my scar. I went upstairs to find the bathroom. It was really nice here btw, when you walked in, the living room was on the right and the kitchen was on the left. There was a stair that was going to the 2th floor on the right side. When you walked up there, there was a bedroom right in front of you and a guest bedroom on the right. To the left of the main bedroom there was a bathroom.

I cleaned the scar and decided to get to bed. I was pretty tired and it was getting late.

where there is an actor there is an artist (a Tom Hiddleston fanfic)Waar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu