Chapter 1

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    I watched as he grabbed it. He took the napkin in his hand so perfectly. I couldn't help but make a noise as he turned around to hand me my box. I grabbed it and quickly walked away to my car. The warmth of the bottom of the box turned me on so much. I moaned so loud before I noticed someone watching me. The man that gave me my donuts.  I rolled down my window. "Uhhh.... you forgot your coffee sir." He handed me my coffee and a Krispy Kreme hat. I realized that there was something written on the hat when I turned my car on and figured I'd just check in when I got home with my donuts and coffee.

     If one more person honks at me for driving slow I'm going to run them over. I HAVE TO DRIVE SAFE FOR MY DONUTS. Thinking about them made me snap back into reality. It was then that I noticed I forgot to turn the seat heater on for them so they could stay hot! I immediately did it and I took one out of the box. I unzipped my pants as soon as I got to the red light and put it on my penis, moaning very loud as I stretched the donut, almost breaking it. The light turned green and I heard a long honk from the person behind me. I still have to go home, forgot about that.

     Pulling into the driveway, I went to grab the donut off of myself and felt something wet. My wife knocked on the car window and then opened the door. She ate the donut off of my penis as I Kremed™ in her mouth. Vernon, our first son, walked outside to ask Cheryl, my wife, for help with dinner and he saw her butt in the air and his pants grew. I pushed her off of me and zipped my pants back up, also with a bulge. I winked at Vernon and he smirked at me, knowing what I meant.

     After dinner Vernon and I went to the his room. He pulled down his pants and as soon as mine were off he started fucking my ass. When Vernon and I finished, I went to Cheryl's room still full of Kreme™.  She gasped with one of donuts on her fingers...

To be continued.....

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