Chapter 7

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                   RECAP: "When we finally got to her "boyfriend's" house, she got out, waved bye and slammed the door. Her boyfriend's dad came out to greet her and I noticed he looked familiar."

               Carver?!?! He waved me goodbye, and shut the door. Shocked, I drove away. I got out of the car and told Cheryl where Beatrice was and what happened. Halfway into the story, we heard a knock on the front door and the doorbell continuously going off. When we went to check Vernon said that he would get it, so we just sat back down because we both had long days.

                 A bit after Vernon let his friend in, Cheryl and I went to our room. We heard the bed squeaking so we went upstairs to check what was going on. I barged in without knocking because I've had enough of my children being in relationships.

                 After a long lecture from my son and wife I learned that Vernon and his "friend" Rylan who is apparently "asexual AND aromantic" only got a bunch of sugary snacks and Rylan got excited and started bouncing up and down. I don't believe it a bit, but Cheryl does so I just have to deal with it.

                  Sometime later I woke up to a honk from some car in my driveway. Beatrice came inside and told Rylan that he had to go because his dad was waiting for him in the driveway. I've decided that I'll ask all the questions about Beatrice's boyfriend and Vernon's friend Rylan tomorrow, but for now I'm going to go back to sleep.

To be continued...

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