Chapter 8

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RECAP: "Sometime later I woke up to a honk from some car in my driveway. Beatrice came inside and told Rylan that he had to go because his dad was waiting for him in the driveway. I've decided that I'll ask all the questions about Beatrice's boyfriend and Vernon's friend Rylan tomorrow, but for now I'm going to go back to sleep."

After Cheryl leaves for work I'm going to take the kids to school and I'll ask all my questions in the car. That's a good plan, good job Alex.

I'm in the car with the kids, now time to ask them questions. I've got this.

"So kids, how were your days yesterday?"


"It was fine"

"Ok, do you want to tell me about your boyfriend, Beatrice?"

"Not really"

"What about you and Rylan, Vernon?"

"He's moving and I wanted to hang out with him before he left, we're just friends dad"

"Ok then :). We're at school, have a good day kids, I love you!"

"Love you too dad"


Well that was a total fail. I guess I'll leave it alone, I'm done with that now. I'm planning on having a fun time with Cheryl tonight if you know what I mean. ....I need to stop talking to myself.

To be continued...

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