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The other royal families left early in the morning. My dad actually drove one of the royal families to the airport, so I couldn't eat breakfast with him. I put on my school uniform  and didn't care to put on any makeup. I threw some notebooks and books into my bag and went out to the kitchen to get breakfast. I was happy that I didn't bump into any royal family members when the queen called my name from behind. Of course, in this case I had to turn around and look at her. I bowed and waited for her to walk over to me. She was wearing a green dress that reached her knees, green heels and pearls around her neck. Her hair fell into curls on her shoulder.

" Good morning, Your Majesty." I bowed.

" Good morning, dear." She smiled. " Would you mind joining us for breakfast? We miss seeing you around the dinner table."

" I don't know, ma'am. " I said awkwardly.

" Oh, why not?" She asked. " I'd like to know how you are doing."

" Yes, ma'am." I nodded. " I'll join, then."

" Thank you." She smiled. I had to follow her to the dining room, but before I sat down I went to grab an apple from the kitchen because the breakfast didn't start yet. As I walked inside, I bumped into someone's back. I didn't look up, I just apologized and quickly went and grabbed an apple, washed it and tried to seem like I'm in a hurry, but I clearly wasn't. Did I mention I hate living in the palace?

" How did you sleep, Y/N?"

I recognized the voice. It was one of the princes who came to visit, but I wasn't sure. I immediately turned around and looked at the person standing in front of me. It was Taemin (please don't associate him with the kpop idol). He was a really handsome, brown haired guy. He was wearing a white turtleneck sweater tucked into black slacks paired with dress shoes. He was really close to Jimin, that's how he knew me.

" Good, sir." I said. I couldn't sit down because if a royal is in the room before you and they're not sitting it would be disrespectful to sit down.

" I'm leaving today, I was just searching for the maids." Taemin said. " I would like to ask for a special breakfast."

" They're not coming until it's breakfast time, sir." I told him. " If Your Highness would like a special breakfast, the chef could help you. The other kitchen is just down the hallway."

" There will be no need for that." He sighed. " I'll just settle for what they will serve."

" Well, why can't you just make it for yourself, sir?" I asked. I didn't get why it would've been so hard to go and check what's in the fridge, so he could make something for himself.

" You mean cook?" He laughed. " That's not a royal's job. That's why I'm surprised that there are no maids around here, maybe I should report that to the queen."

" Except she won't care because she makes the rules around here and understands how overworked the servants are." I told him. " If anybody from the family want something, they will make it for themselves. "

" You dropped the honorifics." He raised his brows. He seemed kind of offended. I could care less, not like he was any different from a sucked up prince.

" I'm sorry." I said. " Now if you'd excuse me, I'll leave." I wanted to walk out from the kitchen but he closed the door and leaned over to it.

" No, no, no." He shook his head. " No leaving until I tell you to. Didn't you learn manners?"

" Manners?" I scoffed. " Didn't you learn that being a royal doesn't excuse You Grace from doing basic stuff? Do you have a maid who wipes your ass, too?"

PERFECT | Jimin x Reader (SEQUEL TO: MY PRINCE)Where stories live. Discover now