Chapter Ten.

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Chapter Ten.

It had been a few days since Kai had woken up and he was walking around. He had put himself into a fitness regime which was designed to keep him in shape but not strain him too much.

Kai was on the treadmill when he heard the yelling. He had monitor's connected with the cameras all over the building. He saw that, in the enterence of the Mansion, there was a large group attacking.

Seconds after Kai noticed, Jack, Fraser and Sheri ran into the room. Jack had been appointed as part of the inner gang only the day before, but was medical rather than muscle.

"Boss, we need to get you to the safe room. Aiden and Thomas are making sure everyone is as safe as they can be with fighting, but we need you safe. Now." Sheri said, looking panicked. Jack noticed this.

"Sheri, you get panic attacks, right?" Sheri nodded, looking confused. She had never told anyone. "I need you to breathe, OK? Stay calm. You are no use to anyone if you freak out, you know that." Jack began going through breathing exercises with Sheri as the four of them hurried along to the Safe Room.

Kai froze as he heard gunshots.

"Boss, we need to go."

"I have to help."

Jack grabbed his wrist. "No. You need to get to the fucking safe room. Your no use if your dead." Jack swearing made Kai, and everyone within earshot, pay attention. He never swore. Kai nodded and was pulled along by Jack. The two ended up holding hands as they ran, making sure the other didn't fall behind.

In the enterence, Lithė was winning. Thomas was directing their attack and Aiden was directing their defense and medical. Lauren was watching from security cameras and directing gang members in the Mansion to intruders. Doni was watching their walls, making sure they had an operational back-up defense and attack. Mini was fighting a small group alone in a hallway, Lauren had sent some people, but he was handling it well. And by well I mean he was winning to the extent Lauren almost felt sorry for his five armed opposition. And she called off the reinforcements for him. 'Let him have his fun' she thought.

Then came the Police. Lithė was still winning heavily, they just changed up the roles a bit. Thomas was in charge of defense, Aiden attack, Doni guarded the safe room, Sheri, Fraser, Kai and Jack were on security cameras, Sheri for top level, Fraser for Second, Kai for ground floor and Jack for the perimeter. Lauren and Mini were fighting inside the Mansion, Becky and Sasha were fighting outside, Wilbur was in the safe room, they didn't trust him enough with this gang to fight.

The gang invading was the one Wilbur betrayed them for.

The one who blackmailed him.

The one who shot Kai.

Who put him in a coma.

When this clicked, everyone in Lithė began fighting harder. Faster. Better. They would have their revenge on the people who almost killed their Boss, who turned one of their own against them, who had the audacity to bring the police to their door.

Then, it all went bad.

The Armed Forces showed up.

Aiden and Thomas were put on defense. Lauren and Yuki were on attack. Doni, Mini and Sasha were fighting inside while Becky, guarded the safe room. Fraser went out and helped with attack.

Then, it happened.

The thing that made Lithė win.

The beginning of the end.

Aiden was shot in the shoulder with a bullet meant for his head.

Kai saw.

He was deaf to protests as he armed himself and left the safe room.

He was lethal with bullets.

Each shot met its mark.

No matter what.

Then he got to the person who shot Aiden.

He shot them in both shoulders.

Then the legs.

Then the heart.

He kept going, he fought with everything he had.

And more.

No matter what.

It was when they would be overwhelmed that Sheri said her idea. She had been making a plan as the fight had been happening. If they put sleeping gas into the vents, then the fight would be over. So they started getting the gang members to come to the safe room where they were given gas masks. When most had gas masks, the sleeping gas was put though.

Lithė won.

It was a message.

They will always find a way.

They are always victorious.

No matter what.

No Matter What. Jacksucksatlife X Kai Ross-BestWhere stories live. Discover now