The morning after

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The next morning as I woke up, the first thing that greeted my field of vision was Kakashi's sleeping face. On top of that, it seemed that he had quite a strong grip on my hand, for a sleeping person. He definitely wasn't about to let it go even when I tried to pull my arm out of his so, I gave up and decided to wait till he wakes up.

 He definitely wasn't about to let it go even when I tried to pull my arm out of his so, I gave up and decided to wait till he wakes up

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Then, suddenly he let go of my arm but wrapped his around my waist pulling me closer, while still being asleep. Now my face was buried into his chest as I felt it starting to heat up from the embarrassment and slight discomfort that was starting to well up in me. I would have never expected to be sleeping next to my bully, yet alone while being cuddled by him. This definitely seemed weird but at the same time it felt somewhat relaxing. I was starting to drift back to sleep as I listened to his steady heart beat when suddenly an alarm clock started to ring waking both of us up. Kakashi quickly turned around to shut off the clock while letting go of me. I used this opportunity to get a bit further from him. Once he finally turned back, his eyes went straight to me. At first, from the almost dumbfounded look at his face, it seemed he was confused seeing me in bed with him, but soon his face quickly changed into a weird smirk, as I assume, from realization.

"You can stay here for now if you want, but I have to go now. Once you leave just put my apartment key under the doormat." He said as he started to dress up and soon after standing up to leave.

"Wait! I'm going too!" I quickly jumped up from the bed, but soon fell to the ground as my body was overcome by pain.

"There's no need for you to rush. You should take it easy as your body is probably too sore after yesterday. If you end up rushing, then you'll definitely won't be able to move, because of the intense pain. Like I said, just leave whenever you can and don't forget where to put the key." He explained and with that he left the room.

Like that, I was left all alone in not even my own home. I picked up my clothing that were on the ground and tried to stand up while supporting myself by leaning on the wall. Then, I started to dress up which was definitely harder then I expected, but soon enough I managed to do it. After that, I looked around for the bathroom to do my morning business. Once I was done and just washing up, I looked at the mirror, at my image in it. Seeing myself standing there in Kakashi's bathroom, looking quite pathetic, brought some thoughts and questions to my mind about yesterday. 'Why... Why am I here and why did he do that to me?..' That's when the image of us doing it popped into my head.

' That's when the image of us doing it popped into my head

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Now I could even remember the pain I got for doing it for the first time

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Now I could even remember the pain I got for doing it for the first time. I remember that even my eyes got watery because of it, but Kakashi tried to make things better. He actually tried not to hurt me much by being as gentle as he could and even trying to distract me from any pain by kissing.

'But why do all of that? Doesn't he hate me? So, why would he try to be nice with me? He did say he'll make sure that I'd also enjoy this, but why

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'But why do all of that? Doesn't he hate me? So, why would he try to be nice with me? He did say he'll make sure that I'd also enjoy this, but why... And did I enjoyed it?' Now I started to question myself and how everything truly felt for me. 'It definitely was uncomfortable at first and I guess I was kinda scared... But.. Because of Kakashi's efforts to make sure to be nice and gentle with me, I think I did end up enjoying it...' I let out a sigh not believing that I actually just admitted that to myself. I finished up washing up and left the bathroom. It was still hard and even weird to walk so, I had to take everything slow. I exited Kakashi's apartment leaving the keys under his doormat just as he asked and started to head back home to properly relax from everything.

My lovely bully (Kakairu)Where stories live. Discover now