Let me explain

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Okay, okay, before anyone attacks me about the story idea, let me explain.

Firstly, I'm personally unsure how to feel about the story considering that this type of stories aren't exactly my cup of tea. But then why did I even end up writhing something like this? Well, I guess it was kind of a personal challenge to see how far can I take my stories after one statement I had (and gosh, I'm not doing this again for a loong time cause I definitely ended up cringing too much at some parts making me want to quit, but since I'm not particularly a quitter I had to push through).

Secondly, I am definitely a sane person and I can understand that this plot can seem messed up considering that this has to do with harassment (yet, here the main character identifys it simlply as 'bullying'). I'm not trying to make fun of people who have to go or have gone through something as awful as that. Oppositely, I hope this stroy can slightly bring awareness to that, considering that the idea for the story did originate from me thinking about awful things people have to deal with. Yet, I do know that this story is not your typical harassment scenario considering that there's love pretext (which honestly I didn't expect to go from thinking about irl bullying to thinking about my love for writing romance stories and then somehow combining these two completely opposite things into one and making a story out of it, which makes sense why it can seem messed up, realizing these factors). It is not that comman to be harassed because that person is in love with you, but even so, it is a bad thing no matter how you look at it. Yes, my story characters (in perticulary Iruka) might be brushing off this as not a big deal (but let's not forget that it's mostly due to the fact that deep down insdide he is also in love with Kakashi, but unlike Kakashi he doesn't realize that) but even so, no one should take this as an example because no matter the reason behind harassment (even if it is 'love' base) it's still a serious issue that shouldn't be taken lightly. If you are going through something as serious as this, please, please, please don't turn a blind eye trying to think up excuses for the person who is doing this to you. You need to find help immediately cause the longer you wait, the worse it will get. I particularly made Iruka not act up on this but just except the situation to be an example of how I believe some people would deal with a situation like that and that they shouldn't repeat Iruka's choice of actions. Yet, I do realize saying this while the story has a happy ending, doesn't really seem like good example at all, but since it is just a story, I couldn't really leave it be with a depressing ending especially since I did want this to somehow still stay in my writing interest area - romance so, that's why the story is more love base then it should. Though, you shouldn't expect such ending irl, cause real life is not a fairy tale or some dumb fan fiction and happy endings with harassers do not really happen unless you take action against them, then you can save yourself the trouble of having to go through many more unpleasant stuff.

And lastly, why exactly did I have to choose Kakashi and Iruka for the story considering that Kakashi might not be so suited to be actually a bad person who would consider doing such awful things? Well, I guess originally I wasn't really thinking about these two as particular characters when the main idea of the story popped up, but since I'm not too creative with names and since I'm more into writing stories with some of my favorite ships I decided to choose some characters from the ships I have. Therefore, I ended up thinking through the options I had and settling down with Iruka and Kakashi cause, for example, my other choice could have been Bakugou and Deku since Bakugou is already like a bully towards Deku so, it seemed more suiting. Yet, because of his personality I didn't see how it would have worked out in writing the sweet parts with him actually being a nice and caring person deep down towards the bullying object, leaving Kakashi the closest character to pull off the mean parts while still staying a nice person who doesn't really mean that much harm to Iruka. Also, why exactly I choose guy x guy is probably because of three factors. One is that lately I gotten into these kinds of anime ships cause, for some reason, they seem weirdly fun an interesting (though I still have enough of straight ships I've been fangirling over a lot). And other is that it seemed a bit less awful to write then the usual girl getting harassed scenario (not particularly saying that guy harassing another guy is more okay, but just when put on paper it might seem slightly less noticeable as such thing. For example if a guy slapped another guy's a*s not many people would immediately think of this as harassment but more of the person being just gay while if a guy did this to a woman everyone would immediately label the guy a perv and the action a harassment.). While the 3rd reason (which might even be the most important storyline wise) is that this kind of shipping gave a good reason for Kakashi being not so nice towards Iruka, in a way addressing the issue about gay relationships. So, that's pretty much the reason I choose such route and, I guess, in a way, once I figured the characters out, it made enough of a plot for me to write and make the story interesting enough (hopefully).

Also, I should say that I might not be particularly too proud of some of the parts of the story (even considering to remove one part *cough* 'why do you do this?' *cough*. S̶h̶o̶u̶l̶d̶ ̶I̶ ̶a̶c̶t̶u̶a̶l̶l̶y̶ ̶r̶e̶m̶o̶v̶e̶ ̶i̶t̶?̶), since, like I said before, I'm not exactly into reading or writing stuff like that, but I feel I couldn't avoid it since then it wouldn't give off enough of bullying (harassment) effect on the character if I didn't do the parts as I did (and besides, it was my challenge to write them anyways even though it seems to be too stupid of a challenge).

Anyhow, if you made it this far, then thank you for reading this story and being patient with my ramble and I hope you'll keep an open mind about this sh*ty story and have a great day/night^^

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