Birthday Surprise! Bow and more!

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Bow woke up bright and early, "Happy Birthday to me!" He yelled out on the ninth day of September. The big 18 was here. He dressed in a nice pair of black pants and a short sleeved white top with a heart shaped red pocket on it. He wanted to look slick n smooth for his big day. He put on a pair of boots similar to his usual, but they were black and white. He looked very handsome. 

He spent the morning with his fathers and twelve brothers. They had pancakes, eggs, toast, bacon, and juice. With that some fresh fruit, strawberries, pineapple and peaches. 

Bow was literally on cloud 9 today. 

Soon after opening gifts from his family he thanked them with hugs. He grabbed his bow and arrows and headed to Bright Moon. 

A few of the guards greeted him as he went inside. He stopped at Glimmer's room first. He knocked several times before opening it. "Glimmer?" Her room was a little messy, but she wasn't in there. 

He went a few doors down to Adora's room. Again he knocked and found no one in there. He listened for their voices. He went down to the dining hall and no one was there either. He was alone, but there were guards walking around. They patrolled the halls like clockwork. Every hour they switched out. 

Bow had waited around for the last two hours hoping the girls would show up. 

"They forgot about my birthday." He sadly said to himself. He went down to the stables to pet the horses. Swift Wind was in his stall. "Hey!" He greeted the magical horse. 

"Bow! My man, how's it going?" Swift Wind said with a grin. 

"Do you have any idea where Adora and Glimmer are?" Bow asked. 

Sure Swift Wind could feel Adora, "Hanging out with Glimmer in Thaymor. Isn't it great that the rebuild is ah-may-zing!" New homes and and businesses were thriving once again.

"Honestly I haven't been to Thaymor since the Horde attack happened." Bow told him. 

Swift Wind saw how nice Bow looked. "What's the special occasion?" 

Bow smiled from ear to ear. "It's my birthday!" 

"Let me out and we can celebrate with apples!" Swift Wind said happily. 

Bow let him out and jumped on his back. "Let's fly!" 

Swift Wind would get his apples when they got back. He flew him and Bow around Bright Moon. Over the singing river and the ocean and went back. Bow gave some apples to Swift Wind and fixed him a new bucket of water. 

"Do you know if they'll be back soon?" Bow was getting bored without them around. 

Swifty shook his head of colorful hair, "Sorry not a time monkey." 

Bow laughed and petted him. 

"Adora!" Glimmer yelled at her and ran over to her. "Here put this on!" She gave her a cool flower bracelet to wear. Perfuma had made them. 

They were in Plumeria now. Perfuma and Mermista were setting up food and beverages while the others decorated. 

"Swift Wind should be bringing Bow within the hour." Adora told her friends. 

SeaHawk was finishing decorating the large long cake. It was actually three different flavors chocolate, vanilla and lemon. They were frosted and had cute figurines on top to represent all of Bow's friends. Mermista had herself a blue dolphin and a tiny pirate ship for Seahawk on the lemon cake. Perfuma had edible flowers on the chocolate one with little hearts because she was seeing Bow. Glimmer had edible glitter dust and stars with a horse and sword, for Adora on the vanilla. 

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