A EllTossa story

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Been thinking back a lot recently about love and life. How I met my dream girl and coming out. 

When you end up spending your birthday alone it's never fun. Plans had been made, decorations put up and my family promised to be there. 

This was also the day when I came out to my parents and the rest of my family. I was seventeen and so very scared to tell them. I had only told a few of my friends. Three of them welcomed me into this new part of my life. The other four close friends made excuses to avoid me. They were 'afraid' to catch it. 

Yeah I laughed too. It's not a disease! It's just a part of you from the beginning. There's no age to figure it out either. You could be seven or fifty and suddenly realize your truth. 

Who am I? Tossa, Netossa, yes I toss Nets. It's handed down from my father's side of the family. Currently I'm twenty-two and I have a girlfriend. Her name is Spinnerella or just Ella to me. She's three years older than me. 

My story began when I was born of course, but I didn't start living until I was a teenager. I've known I liked girl's since I was thirteen. I had two girlfriend's before I met the love of my life. 

Oh, that unforgettable seventeenth birthday was eye opening. My momma had booked my favorite resturant for a party of about thirty people. I adore Chinese food. It's near the edge of Elberon. 

My older brother, Theodore, was one of the first people I told about myself. He was really cool about it too. He even told me that it wasn't the best idea to surprise people with my gay self. He's gay too so it helps having him to talk to. He's still not out of his own closet. A few close friends of his know, but that's it. 

I'm sure my parent's suspect his sexuality, but won't breathe a word about it. 

I did it anyway. I told my mom that morning and she decided to tell the whole family before my party. She was not accepting at first. No one was except my gay uncle, Derick. My mother's older brother. 

I walked into my party so excited. I thought people were going to jump out and yell surprise at me. No one was there to do that. My cake looked pretty sitting on the table and I ate three slices until I felt ill. 

A few days passed before anyone in my family, (except Theo and Derick) spoke to me. Mother wanted to know WHY. I told her that you can't help who you are attracted to. She gave me the saddest eyes ever. 

She had said she was sad that I couldn't have kids. I told her I still had the parts for it and laughed. I didn't need a man to be with me. I just needed his sperm. Her face was red all because I had spoken that word. There was nothing wrong with that word. It's not like I cursed! 

My mother had always been easily embarrassed by things. A few days later she asked me to pack my things and go live somewhere else. I begged and cried to tried to make her understand. My father just looked at me and ignored me. 

This was when I began to feel like something was wrong with me. That what was true in my heart couldn't be real. I starved myself for two weeks. I got depressed and hid from all of my problems. 

I only came around the house when Theo was there. He was lucky to have not come out yet. Seeing what our parents were putting me through made him hide himself even more. 

I spent months trying to go back home. I got kicked out more times that I can count. 

I was in Thaymor one afternoon just minding my business when a gust of wind knocked me off my feet. 

"I'm so sorry!" A female voice said and put out a hand for me. "I was trying to scare off the rodents. They like sneaking into the only resturant we have out here." I stood up and I saw her. I felt like I had jelly knees. "Are you okay?" 

"Fine. Thank you." I managed to say. "You live here?" 

"I do now. I use to live in Elberon. I'm Spinnerella or just Ella." 

My eyes liked every thick inch of her. What a beauty! "Netossa, I can make nets." We locked eyes and felt a rush of something come over me. 

Ella's smile was inviting. "Would you like a drink? I bartend three nights a week." 

I gave her the strangest look. I knew who she was. I'd met her a few years ago through other friends. "Sure." I said and followed her. She didn't even ask my age. 

She handed me something. "It doesn't have alcohol, but it is really good." 

Uh huh, she knew I was young. I tasted it and liked it. "What is this?" 

"Orange Creme Colada. It's a favorite around here." Ella told me. "Gosh you look familiar. Do I know you?" 

"I'm friends with the Star Sisters. We met through them like three years ago." 

Ella snapped her fingers. "Right! I remember you now!" 

We got to talking. I stayed at that bar for over two hours. She got to take a break and we sat at a table and talked some more. She was animated and fun. 

"Do you perfer women or men?" She had asked me. 

"You." I told her. 

"I like your answer." She said, flirting openly. 

And that's how our love story began. We've been together for five years now. Marriage? Yes, I do wanna marry her. Been thinking of that for a while now, but with the Horde hovering over us it's on hold. 

We've been talking about it and kids for the last two years. I do think it's time to move forward and put a ring on it. Just gotta get Prime and the Horde outta Etheria first! 

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