first meeting- maycury

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Their first meeting was special to say the least. Brian had been running down the hallway of his university to get to a class, and ran into Freddie; actually collided with him. They had helped each other pick up their things after the collision.

Brian wanted to say 'Sorry about that.' but instead he said "You're really pretty." Freddie had shaken his head and laughed. "If you thought I was cute, you shouldn't have run into me just now." Brian's face went red and apologetic. "I'm so sorry I-"

"It's okay. What's your name?" Brian was astonished; this absolute angel of a man, God among mankind, diamond in the rough, was asking ME, BRIAN MAY, my name? "I'm uh, Brian.. And you are?"

"Freddie." Freddie smiled at Brian as he pulled a little notepad out of his pile of notebooks and books for classes.

"I'm gonna be straight-not straight, up honest here. You're cute and I wanna get to know you." Freddie told him. "And I'd love to right now but I have a class to get to," Brian was handed a note. "So here's my dorm number, come hang out after your classes are done or something; my roommate won't mind."

Brian was blown aback. A pretty man like Freddie, has just told him that he was cute, and that he wanted to get to know him.

This isn't happening... Yes it is.

"Uhm, hanging out would be nice." Brian blushed at the awkward exchange that just happened between them; from a head on collision to hanging out with each other in a dorm room.

"Great! See you later then, darling~" Freddie skipped (no skipping in the halls!) away as Brian stared after him.

"His arse is nice. Good catch," his roommate, Roger (who just so happened to be in the same hallway as him) said to him.

"Oh fuck off-"

Roger was right though; Freddie did have a nice arse.


"Do you want some gum?"

"Is it sugar free?"


"Then no thank you." Brian mentally cursed himself; why refuse gum from pretty man Freddie?

"Uhm wait, actually, gum would be perfection."

Gum would be perfection.

Not nice, not anything else. PERFECTION.

Nice going, Brian. First you run into the pretty man and now you refused gum and then said it would be PERFECTION ?

Brian almost died right there in Freddies apartment.

He was snapped back to reality by Freddie asking him "do you play any instruments?"

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