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As decided the previous night, I got up, stuck up paper arrows on the walls that would lead students to the amphitheatre. Once done, I began writing the syllabus for the subject: Chemistry. I had to walk them through ionic bonds, covalent bonds, metallic bonds, electrolysis, non-organic elements, organic elements, acids, atomic structure, et cetera. This would most likely take about two year to complete this roughly with the time-table, especially since there were a multitude of classes, including cooking and art and music. I had politely sent a letter that morning to the Demon Lord and the Human Emperor to send me teachers that specialised in magic, music, art, cooking, sport, and combat (both magic and physical). I knew no one else in the era, and perhaps world, knew or cared about science and maths, and so I would be the teacher.

     I waited patiently at one of the student desk, there being nowhere else for me to sit. At around 8:30, the students all entered. They all shuffled in a took their seats. As expected in the morning, groups of people were chatting, and all in all, it was chaos. So I took a megaphone — something they had never seen before — and shouted at the to me unite. They were shocked.

'Right. Now that we're all settled down, I can get started. Before we begin, I have a question for all of you.' I paused a second. 'What is the universe made of?'

No one answered. The room was deathly silent. Someone in the second row tentatively raised their hand. I nodded to them.

'Water, fire, earth, and air.' he said.

'Wrong.' I answered. 'Anyone else?' Nothing. 'Oh dear... the universe is made of an almost infinite, but not really, amazing but of tiny tiny particles called atoms.' And the lesson continued from there.

For the next two hours this continued before they got a fifteen minute break between 10:30 and 10:45, in which the friends I had made the previous day introduced me to the Hellhound, called Missy. She was nice, but rather timid. She was apparently in heat, and that was the reason she was bullied. I told her that it was alright, and handed her a dildo, telling her that masturbation is a perfectly normal part of being a teenager. She covered her face at this, but I remained unaffected. I knew it was a sensitive topic, but I could be asked to humour social norms.

Then, the next lesson started: Physics. During the lesson, I attempted to explain how electricity worked, straying to start them off with circuits. Turned out telling people about things that had not been invented in their time yet was quite hard. This continued for another two hours before they had an hour for lunch from 13:45 to 14:45. During that time, I told the girls to go eat without me, seeing as I ate a nutrition pill instead of eating at each meal. They protested, but (Y/N)'s excuse was that he had to prepare the next lesson.

The next lesson took two hours, just like the other two lessons. This lesson was Biology. Exactly as with the other two, he tried to stick to the basics. He told them about cells and other such things they had never heard of before. Finally, at 16:45, classes ended.

'Also, I would like to inform you that clubs are going to be a thing in this school. Please, go to the activity council in one of the rooms next to my office to start a club, and people who don't want to start a club must join a club by the end of the day. I will also be appointing student council and activity council members, who will not have to join a club.' And with that, class ended.

I went up to Charlotte and told her to be head of the disciplinary committee, told Inky to be the head of the activities committee, and Elizabeth to be head of the student council. I also appointed Sandy to the student council, and Missy to the activities committee, each as a Vice President. I also explained to them their responsibilities, and told them what it means to be a club leader. After that, I went and sat in my office, finally able to relax, having given friends jobs to do, and given students homework, and began to play patience with a pack of cards I had made.

     The next day, all the teachers arrived, and classes began to go full throttle, lessons beginning at 8:30, and finishing at 16:45. I was relatively relaxed, most subject being covered by other teachers. The only days that I actually taught the students was the Monday and Tuesday, where they had all the sciences and maths. Aside from that, I could stay in my underground lab and read a sh*t ton of books, as well as design all sorts of technologies from my world.

     Every day, after school and club activities, I hung out with my five friends, getting to know them better, and all in all, solidifying our bond really well. One would think we lived together we were so close. It was almost true, as well, seeing as they all lived close to my office. Their committee rooms were complete with a bedroom, bathroom, and main room, as well as living quarters. Over the next week, we continued to hang out, and on the following Monday, we officially called each other best friends.

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