Chapter 6: Hello! Boyfriend, Remember?!

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Chapter 6: Hello! Boyfriend, remember?!

"I don't want to go to the party!" I whined to Linda as both of us were getting ready at her place. She squealed and demanded we should totally go when I told her about the party, I refused at first since it's the same guy that put glue in my chair during Social Studies. Douchebag. Linda said it would be a good idea to crash it.

Technically I'm not, Charlie invited me. It's 8:50 pm, the party started at seven, but you know we're being fashionably late, and she suggested we get dressed at her house. "Yes, you are! Your hair is curled and the light blue dress is on point. Now we have to do our makeup." I nodded tiredly at her, began putting on mascara carefully on my lashes in front of the mirror. Linda wore a tight black and white strapless dress to her knees and had wavy hair strands. Mine was curly as well, the dress was to the knees and flowy at the bottom with straps. After mascara, I applied lip gloss. Linda did as well and then wore her black heels. I would rather stay home and watch Pretty Little Liars again. It sucks that I couldn't confide in Linda or anyone about my secret boyfriend.

"Do you think the new guy will be there tonight?" Linda asked as she spritzed perfume on her skin. I grabbed the bottle from her doing the same and shrugged an 'I don't know' for an answer before wearing my ankle brown boots. "If he is, you should stay closer to him."

"I don't think he likes me." I scrunched my nose and shook my head.

"He does, I saw the way he looked at you, he was attached to your hip most of the day."

"I have to do that for every new student."

"I think he does like you. If you see him there, just flirt him up." I shook my head again as we both made one last look in the mirror. We left with our purses in hand, it took some for Linda to convince Ed to take us to the party because he didn't want to go either. Linda persuaded him with kisses and he said yes. I secretly texted Charlie as me and Linda got into Ed's car.


I started to get a little anxious in the back seat. I had to Charlie at a party where we couldn't touch or acknowledge each other. My palms were sweating and skin was itchy. Linda broke my trance, saying that we arrived. So this was where Max lives: his house was a freaking white mansion, there was a fountain in front of the gate. Ed parked, and we got out of the car, making our way to the front. Someone just threw up on the driveway. "Ew," I muttered.

Linda grabbed mine and Ed's arm, and we started to walk inside, "this is gonna be so much fun!" She screamed excited over the loud music. It just changed to Katy Perry's 'Dark Horse,' party-goers were dancing wildly against each other. She pulled my hand into the kitchen because we were blocking the doorway for people to enter. I searched to see where Charlie was. "Hannah, he's here!" Linda poked into my ribs.

I frowned at her. "Who?!"

"New guy! Twelve o'clock." She pointed behind me, I turned and saw Louis in a dark blue t-shirt and fitted jeans and a red cup in hand talking to someone else.

He laughed at whatever the guy was saying, his white teeth shown made me smile. Turning my head slightly, I spotted Charlie with someone next to him, and he leaned his hand on the wall. Charlie was in a red plaid shirt with black slacks ensemble. He looked really cute, I grinned to myself of how much I wanted to squeeze and kiss him. Maybe I should go up to him casually and say hi. No, I didn't want to get embarrassed if he ignored me. I didn't want to ditch Linda and Ed anyway. "Hey Lin," I started but realized I was talking to no one, Linda and Ed left my side. Great, I'm the one ditched. I headed to the kitchen for a quick drink. Grabbing a full gin bottle, I mixed it with the sprite soda in a cup. I'm not a big drinker, but I could start off a night with a cocktail to calm me down. I took a sip, satisfied with how I tasted more of the soda more than the gin. I leaned against the counter on my elbows I watched my peers act sloppy around me.

"Not having fun?!" a voice asked in my ear, Louis was pouring himself a drink.

"I just got here, my friends kinda left me standing alone!" I explained itching the inside of my ear. Linda and Ed probably found a room.

"How did you know about the party?!" I asked him.

"Some girl told me about it!" he shrugged and took a sip from his drink. I did the same, staring at his strong jawline behind my cup. He had such a cute nose and gorgeous eyes. Wait, why am I staring at him? Hello! Boyfriend, remember?! Secret boyfriend but he was my boyfriend. "You all right?!" he asked breaking my daze.

"Huh?!" I almost choked on the liquid.

"You seem to be staring really intensely at something!" He noticed, damn

"The fridge! It's huge! I think it's a Kenmore!" I thought quickly and pointed behind him with a sheepish laugh.

"Sure," he said in disbelief. My cheeks burned, I rubbed them roughly. I heard the song change to a slow tune.

Louis asked if I wanted to dance. "Uh," I stuttered, looking to the dance floor. Charlie held on a brunette's hips I recognized from my Chemistry class. She was getting too close for her own comfort as they swayed together. I sighed pinching my lips, I took a hold of Louis's hand to the middle of the room. He grabbed my waist as my hands wrapped around his neck, we swayed to the tempo.

"So where are you from originally?" I asked him.

"Florida," he answered.

"Cool. Is it really sunny there or is it a humidity problem?"

"It's mostly sunny. When the humidity changes, that's when the weather turns out of whack." I nodded and took a quick glance next to me, Charlie held the brunette in his arms closer to his pelvis. His jaw was set tight and had a cold look in his eyes as he stared at Louis.

I scoffed. He had no right to be possessive. I turned back to Louis, "do you like the school so far?"

"I don't really want to talk about school, it's the weekend," he responded.

"Oh, sorry. What do you want to talk about?"

"How beautiful your eyes are." I smiled shyly, burying my head into his chest. The sweet smell of his cologne was comforting The song ended, it was replaced by an upbeat techno tune. "I'll be right back, don't dance with any other guys, ok?" I nodded quickly.

With a smile, he kissed my cheek before he walked away. I'm blushing hard, my cheeks burned again, he's a sweet guy but my mind kept going to Charlie, it shouldn't because he's having his fun with someone else. I needed my fun too. Impatiently I tapped my foot waiting for Louis. Where is he? Someone pulled on my elbow, spinning me around.

"I have been watching you all night." 


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