Charlie has told Hannah that they don't need a label or a definition.
Hannah wants one though: she wants to hold his hand, steal small kisses in the hallway and the weekend day dates. To call him her boyfriend.
When they're alone, he's affectionate...
Monday morning I made my way to my locker to get my books for class. I spotted Linda and Edward coming towards me from my peripheral vision holding their laced fingers together. "What's up," she said in a sing-song tone.
"Hey. I see you two made up," I gestured to both of them.
"We did." He gave a secretive smile as he pulled her close to his side. She giggled, her face blushed red like an apple. Nuzzling her face into the crook of his neck, he wrapped his arm over her shoulder and kissed the side of her head.
"Oh," I understood and nodded. They didn't need to explain at all.
"I mean, it wasn't just for you, you know." She booped him on his nose with her finger. I groaned, slamming my locker door.
"Oh, Hannah, don't be jelly. You'll be loved up with someone soon," she told me, and then began giving little kisses on Edward's face. If only my boyfriend would want to do that with me in public. I sighed, rolling my eyes playful holding my books close to my chest.
"Speaking of, how are things with you and Louis?"
"Okay, I guess," I answered.
"Have you talked to him since?"
I shrugged. After Charlie left my house we talked all Sunday morning, I was exhausted. I got two of his texts and left him on read. I didn't know how to reply back to him, drafts were saved on my phone none were sent.
"You don't like him or something?"
"I do. I'm kinda taking it slow."
"Have you told him that?"
"Well, here he comes." She pointed behind me. I turned around, Louis was coming towards us. He looked good today in his blue plaid button shirt. I mean, he looked good every day, not that I'm looking or anything.
I gave a small grin as he approached me, "Hi," he said. His cologne was smelling sweet.
"Hi." I placed my books under my arms.
"Oh, shoot. I forgot my jacket in the bathroom," Linda spoke suddenly. "Babe, come help me get it?" I looked to her, begging with my eyes to not leave me.
"You didn't bring a jacket," Edward said. She elbowed his stomach gently, he grunted.
"See ya in class, Han." Linda gave me a thumbs up for luck before dragged Ed along by their linked arms. I glared at her back before they turned the corner.
"How have you been?" Louis asked me, pulling the strap upon his shoulder.
"Good," I answered, looking down at my shoes.
"You haven't texted or called."
"Uh, I know. I've been busy." I looked up as he messed his hair around with his fingers.
"Right. So-" the bell rang cutting him off.
"We better get to class, wouldn't want to be late." Thank God, I didn't want to be apart of that awkward conversation.
"Yeah, maybe I'll see you after school," he spoke in a disappointed tone. I patted his shoulder and left his side. Letting out a long breath, I headed to first period.
School hours were increasingly slow today but it was over. there was no sign of Charlie today. He didn't even text me. He's probably at practice, pulling out my phone I began texting him with a simple hey. I erased it, shook my head and went to my locker. Forget it, I'll see him tomorrow. Pocketing my phone, I got my history and chemistry book for homework, I felt someone nudge my shoulder. "Hey," Louis said beside me.
"Hi. How was your day?" I questioned.
"I met some new people at lunch." I shut my locker.
"That's good. I'm glad you're getting along here." We walked side by side, bumping our shoulders along the halls. I could like someone like Louis. If he liked me back. But then Charlie.
I frowned, focusing my attention on Louis.
"Sorry, what did you say?" I asked.
"I asked if you were doing anything after school?" We stopped our tracks in front of the bathrooms.
"Does watching The Kardashians count?" I joked, he chuckled. His laughter was sweet like music and eyes crinkled. I was planning to catch up on the latest episodes on the E channel, still wondering why Kim was so mad at Kourtney in the last episode.
"If you want, would you like to go get a milkshake or something?" That did sound tempting, I could use some time-wasting before studying and watching TV. Yeah, I could do that.
"I'd like that-"
"What do we have here?" There's the most annoying, pitched voice ever to interrupt us: Lucy.
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