Chapter 16: Oh, No
"Who's Insta page is that, anyway?" I casually asked.
"It's klauslover," Lucy responded.
"And they go to our school?"
"Seems so." She shrugged, opening her bottle of apple juice. I felt the vibration from my leg, pulling out my phone. Charlie's calling me. Oh.
"Who's calling you now?" Linda asked with her mouth full.
"My uncle. I'll call him back." I slide it to ignore, that's a first, Charlie calling me. And risky. Curiosity got to me, so I searched for the insta profile. It was composed of vampire diaries edits, mostly the main villain Klaus Mikaelson. I got another text from Charlie, he sent me winking emojis. I smiled and shook my head, texting back hearts.
"What's got you smiling there?" Linda teased.
"Nothing," I laughed.
"Is it Louis?" She raised her eyebrows up and down repeatedly.
I shook my head. "Just a sweet edit of Damon and Elena." I put my phone on 'do not disturb' in case a text from him pops on top of my screen. I locked my phone, "what are you doing after school?"
"Me and E are going to the assembly." I stifled my laugh at Edward's nickname, "shut up."
"There's an assembly today?"
"Yep, for the school dance. To put in our votes," she answered.
"Really? I thought we would vote online. On the night of the dance."
"No, the principal doesn't want to risk voter fraud. I think this is like a preliminary."
"What about stuffing the ballot box? And hackers?"
"Are you going?"
"I have nothing to do at home. My uncle will be at work. Sure, I guess. Can I get a ride home?"
"Sure, meet us at the gym later, love ya." She got up with her empty tray."Love ya. Tell E I love him too," I waved, sitting by myself for a minute before getting up to throw away my tray. She gave me the middle finger behind her head before leaving. I laughed to myself, I texted Uncle Robert that I'm staying after school. Putting my phone back in my pocket, I headed to my last class.
The bleachers were filling up when I arrived. Classes were cut short since the swim meet was today. I met up with Linda and Edward and we walked to the spare seats. As I sat, I saw Charlie standing next to Max. He didn't tell me he was not nominated. I bit the inside of my cheek. He laughed at what Max said but then his smile wilted fast when he looked away. It made me frown, what's wrong with him?
"Hey!" Louis's voice shouted from the other side.
"Hey! Didn't know you were coming," I said with a wave and a smile. He sat right next to me.
"Kind of last minute." I nodded, wringing my hands together. He scooted in more, our knees bumped. The principal said on the microphone that we will begin in two minutes. Lucy was standing next to two of the other nominees, Marissa and Ally, she was holding more buttons and pens. Seth, Austin, Charlie and Max stood on the other end of the principal's podium. The principal began speaking about the upcoming dance, and making sure we put in our votes early. "Who are you gonna vote for?" he asked.
I shrugged, to be honest, I had no desire to vote for anyone, would it matter if I did?
Besides, Charlie hasn't asked me. Would he want to go?

They Don't Know About Us (Rewritten)
Teen FictionCharlie has told Hannah that they don't need a label or a definition. Hannah wants one though: she wants to hold his hand, steal small kisses in the hallway and the weekend day dates. To call him her boyfriend. When they're alone, he's affectionate...