Chapter 2: a great big adventure!

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Kimmy put up what she was working on and she put her book bag on her back and she headed out. As she was walking out to go to the elevator, she spotted her sister's boyfriend Brandon going to knock on her dorm room door. She assumed that he was there to just hang out with Penny and Cora. She got on the elevator and when she arrived to the first floor she went to the built-in school café & grill. She ordered her favorite meal and drink: crispy chicken & waffles burger with a side of sugary sweet fries with a mermaid Frappuccino. While Missy and her mother Ms Gigi (who owned the cafe) were preparing Kimmy's order, Kimmy pulled out her planner from her book bag  and began to flip the pages until she got to her to-do list. She began reading the list and checking off the things she had already got done, like studying. It wasn't long before she realized how many tasks were really there. So many things to get done, so little time. Looks like Kimmy won't be enjoying her lunch her today, she's going to have to rush. "Can I take that go please?" Said Kimmy with her money in her hand standing in an athlete kind of stance getting ready to run. "Man! I don't understand why you kids always think it's funny to ask for something at last minute! I can't understand it to save my life!" Said Ms Gigi. "I'm sorry ma'am." Said Kimmy. When Kimmy's food was ready, she grabbed the box and ran.

When she was outside she caught the bus to a small town called "Divinia". The carriage ride was quiet and peaceful even though Kimmy got stressed out every time she glanced at her list. When she got off the bus she was off to her first task: go get Penny's shoes repaired. Long story short, Kimmy was trying on Penny's heels and snapped them. Penny cared more about her shoes being broken than her own sister's ankle being twisted. It was going to take 2 hours to fix so she had to wait. "Well what now?" she looked down at the list and said "𝒔𝒊𝒈𝒉 I wish I didn't have this long list. There's just wayyyy too many chores to do." Then out of nowhere, the page ripped itself out of the book and drifted away in the wind. Kimmy was confused. Then she remembered that she was leaning on the fountain. This rainbow-colored fountain was known for making wishes come true. Only 1/5 people's wishes come true each year. So if Kimmy didn't have the list, then that means that she doesn't have anything to do! "Whoo hoo! Yeah yeah I don't have no errands to ru-uh-uh-un, that's right!" Suddenly all eyes were on her and it was an awkward moment full of lots of staring, but Kimmy didn't really care. "So this fountain really can grant wishes? What's the catch?" Four words popped up on the reflection on the surface of the fountain water. they read "there's always a downside." Kinda like a consequence. Kimmy only caught a glimpse of the sentence before it disappeared and she began to wish again. She thought to herself a friend would be nice and she wished away. When she was done wishing for a friend and telling about what she wanted in one, she started to walk around town eating her burger & fries and drinking her frappé. That's when Penny texted her: "where r u?". She didn't respond, instead she decided to continue to scroll through Royalegram, which was a popular social media app across the whole campus of Royale high university. Distracted by the satisfying video on her blue-tinted phone screen, Kimmy bumped into a girl with her school's uniform on. The girl's hair was a glossy brown and so was her eyes.

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