chapter 6: pageant day

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Penny sat down in a chair that sat in front of principal Matthews's desk while principal Matthews sat down in the chair behind his desk. Penny started to look around the room while principal Matthews was finishing up signing some paperwork. The room was so plain and boring. there was only a few diamond trophies, the walls were just white, and the back wall was made of grass allowing anyone in the room to get an overview of the school's front yard and the carriage that transports students to anywhere they need to go if they aren't carrying their solar scepter with them.

There was nothing to really examine in the room so Penny got bored easily. Luckily principal Matthews was finally done signing papers and payed attention to Penny.


M: So you are aware that your sister is missing from the RHS campus right?

P: What? no...she told me she was going to get some tasks done..

M: I do not think that is the case but whatever. Another student, Dove Haliwell, went missing with her. *he handed her a photo of Dove.*

P: I don't know who Dove soap bar is and im not going to get questioned for my sister's actions. If she wanted to leave without saying anything to anybody then that's her problem. She's old enough to look after herself.

M: I couldn't have said it better but at the same time Penny--


Penny stormed out of the office. She managed to lie once and for her, that was a world record. Principal Matthews ran after her. "you have 48 hours to find them both and if not, immediate expulsion! you may have someone help you." Penny trembled in her footsteps at the thought of him basically chasing her. At least it wasn't at top speed, but the thought was still taunting. Luckily Penny made it out alive. She jumped on the carriage and demanded for the men in front to start up the horses who carried the blue carriage like in every fairytale. "WAIT FOR ME!" called out a voice from above. It was Cora who apparently used cloud travel. It was obvious because she was falling from a big pink cloud with pink and gold glitter coming from it like rain. Cloud travel is always like this. But the way  you land depends on whether you did a good deed today or not. If you have a heavy heart and did something nice today, you will be lucky enough to land on a  miniature cloud colored pastel blue with a soft cushioning. And you have a weightless heart and you were being mean, you will land on nothing. Just the solid ground.

In this case, both--Penny and Cora--would be landing flat on the ground. But Penny wasn't the one cloud traveling, Cora was. Cora fell on the ground like a baseball being thrown. She made a never ending loud screech. "Are you done?" Penny asked with an attitude. "yes!" Cora peeled herself from off the ground with a fake smile. The cloud went poof  as Cora made her way to the carriage. Next stop: Divinia

Before they knew it, morning was here. Last night's sleep felt like 2 seconds of closing your eyes before the big reveal of a magic trick. "riseee and shineee!" screeched Avery, the human alarm clock. Everyone got out of their tents and gathered around the bonfire to tell funny stories and eat breakfast. Avery noticed that everyone's tent was unzipped except for the unique & gifted tent. "heyyyy!" complained Avery as she walked over the tent and violently unzipped it. "no sleeping now! you two should have gotten plenty of sleep last night! I guess you'll just have to be late for the pageant. That's really too bad tough, the category was a good one."

Kimmy popped up out of her beauty sleep so quick to respond "wait...what pageant?". "don't be silly! you signed up for it not to long ago.." said Avery confused enough. Kimmy got her memory back and told Dove to get up. Then they headed to the bonfire to grab a bite to eat. Avery and the other 2 counselors stood up tall and got everyone's attention. "AHEM! are you listening yet?" Said Avery almost showing the short-tempered side of her. Everyone stared at her kind of annoyed. Like how you look at someone when they barge into your room without knocking (annoying right?). "So listen up. The theme for today's pageant is: swimming in space. If you need an example of what a space outfit for a pageant looks like then take notes from this one." Avery moved from standing in the middle of Kelly and Chelsea so Chelsea could make her way in the middle. Chelsea pulled out a device similar to a tablet but in the shape of a heart and colored hot pink. She pressed a button on the heartpad and she twirled while gold glitter surrounded her.

Instead of her blue pajamas, she now wore a silver vinyl dress with galaxy boot heels. Everyone was fascinated by the outfit. "keep it plain, keep it simple, and don't over-do it. You may now head to the dressing center and assemble your look. Good luck!" said Kelly. Everyone started to throw away their trash and make their way to the dressing center.

Wishes in Divinia⛲️🌈Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt