chapter 8: 𝑙𝑖𝑡𝑒𝑟𝑎𝑙𝑙𝑦 swimming in space

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"im tired of this little pest ruining my life." Said Penny as she stepped out the carriage. "She's really not that bad." Cora replied. "We could have been at the mall right now but noooo, instead, we are looking for HER." They were now in Divinia Kenzington park. "wait," Cora stopped walking and picked up what seemed to be a to-do list from the ground. "This is the list Kimmy had when she left. I saw her with it when i came over and said something to her." They then looked up and saw the restroom with police and detectives surrounding it ahead of them.

Penny ran up to one of the cops and asked a question. "have you seen my sister anywhere? Her name is Kimberly covington and has two-toned hair, a royale high school uniform colored purple, and she has brown eyes." She also pulled out a "missing" poster with Kimmy on it and contact information. The picture Penny used for the poster was actually her favorite picture of Kimmy. Surprisingly, maybe Penny actually cared for Kimmy. Maybe her twin missing has her feeling a little sorry. The cop told her she was seen at the crime scene then made her way toward the pageant. "to the pageant we go I guess!" exclaimed Penny.

The girls walked throughout the forest and found little specs of glitter leading them the Sunset Dreams pageant. Penny spotted Kimmy at the smoothie bar "KIMMY!!!" Penny began running towards Kimmy and she seemed pretty excited. 'Hopefully she's not excited because she won't get in trouble. I hope she's actually excited to see her twin sister.'
''Yeah I Hope so too.''

But anyway,

Kimmy was confused. She pointed to herself with a confused expression on her face. She mouthed the word "me?" And began looking around unsure if there was another "Kimmy" around the place. But nope, she was wrong. Penny bear-hugged her sister so tight like she was meeting her long lost cousin. But.... splash! They both crashed into the pool right next to the smoothie bar. But it wasn't any ordinary swimming pool, it lead straight to the beautiful crystal clear ocean. This ocean was the home to many vibrant coral, hidden treasure chests, dolphins, whales, unique-looking fish, and the main attraction, mermaids.

But what wasn't such a beautiful sight was a Sunset Dreams pageant participant dunked in a huge body of water 2 minutes before the pageant started. "Uh oh, stinky." Said Cora (lets just assume that she was talking about the stinky situation they were in). Kimmy swam back to the edge of the pool trying not to slip into the small waterfall leading to the ocean. Holding on to her hand like a drowned rat, was Penny. Kimmy wanted to let go of her hand and let her fall to infinity and beyond, but she decided not to. All her life, Penny has been the most rudest and meanest person you could ever meet, but even through all of that, Kimmy had managed to find some room for her sister in her big heart to forgive her and start a new life.

Kimmy pulled her up and they hugged again except this time there was falling and splashing and nearly drowning. "Well what now? My dress is ruined!" Said Kimmy as if she was holding back tears. "Well what's the theme?"
Said Penny. Then Kimmy replied "swimming in space..." "So then why don't you actually live up to the theme. 'Swimming in space' and you just got accidentally pushed into a pool..and you're wearing a space themed outfit. I don't think that was a coincidence." "You're a pure GENIUS." Kimmy hugged Penny one last time and ran off to go backstage.

The pageant host began introducing all pageant contestants as the girls walked out on each side of the stage leaving the middle clear. They all stood in a one-hand-on-hip pose waiting to be chosen to answer charity-related questions. The girls with the smartest and most heartfelt answers have a higher chance of winning third runner up, second runner up, or better, first place! Kimmy was really going for first place, or even just one of the two runner ups but she knew that she probably wouldn't be going anywhere near those awards looking the way she did.

After what felt like 4 hours of answering questions and dancing, it was finally time for everyone to walk down the runway and showcase their outfits. Of course Kimmy was nervous about it because she was the only one one there with the cheap looking outfit which was also drenched with sea water to top it all off. As she walked down the runway, she could see Penny and Cora cheering for her and hyping her up. She wondered strange...she cares about me all of a sudden. Yeah, I must admit, that is quite strange.


ahem, let's continue the story.

Anyway, as she walked to her spot reserved for her on the edge of the stage just like the other girls, she saw Dove glance at her. It wasn't a normal glance though, it was more like a "what do you have on!?" Type of look/glance. Everyone stood in their places as the audience casted their votes and threw roses. "Third runner up goes to....Ms Galexia, Alex Mayfield! Our second runner up is....Ms Destiny Sea, Avery Holmes! And last but not least, our queen is....Ms Calypso, KIMMY COVINGTON!!!" The host announced. Every just sat there in shock. How did she win? Dove thought.

The queen and the runner ups stood in the center of the stage like a trio. Alex stood on the left, Avery stood on the right, and the queen stood in the middle (of course). Avery and Alex looked pretty upset. They thought that the way Kimmy was just soaked in water and still participating in a pageant was just what they needed to win, but apparently not.

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