Chapter 9: sweet victory?

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That day had really proved that you don't need a big fancy dress and a whole lotta diamonds to win a beauty pageant in Sunset Island. Before heading out, Kimmy was awarded with 3 prizes. She had won a pink yellow and green, "Ms calypso dreams" sash, as well as a matching crown with jewels on top colored just like the sash, and the most prized possession of them all, three pet bunnies. One was white with blue eyes, another was gray with green eyes, and the last one was white with brown with hazel brown eyes.

Remember when I said she had to make some room in her big heart to forgive her sister? Well she did. Kimmy kept the multi-colored bunny, Cora was given the white bunny, and lastly, Penny received the gray bunny. All were so grateful as they walked back to school. On the way there, they laughed, talked, and played with their new pet bunnies. "What should I name mine? I think...Bon Bon! Yeah that's cute." Said Kimmy. Then Cora said "I will name mines..Angel." And lastly Penny said "I am going to name this cutie....snowball.!"

When they arrived, the principal was standing right at the school entrance, hands folded. "looks like she went on a trip a normal student and came back a pageant queen. Go inside." He motioned for them to go in. " I'm not in trouble!?" Said Kimmy. "No you're not but next time you will so I advise you to get back in here and pretend nothing happened ok? Ok." Said the principal.

They all scurried back into the building and went straight to Kimmy and Penny's dorm. They played with their bunnies and ate pizza. It was the best night ever. And Penny had to face it, sleepovers with Kimmy included are overall more fun than just her and Cora alone.

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