Savannah's adoption Part 5: the concert.

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The concert night!

Frank's P.O.V

We were all getting ready for the concert tonight, since it was the last concert of the tour, we decided we would get there early and play a game of kick ball with some fans who were already there. Just as I was about to play the game I got a phone call from my auntie, I really hated her. She treated my little cousin so horribly. I answered the phone
"Hello?" I asked grumpily.
"I gave up Savannah. You need to stop sending me stuff for her. She's gone to be adopted." She said blankly and hung up.

Savannah's P.O.V

I got out of the shower and walked into my room, Yes, My room. Hannah had been Fostered for a few months with a family down the road, so I got the room to myself, I put my MCR explosive killjoy t-shirt on, Straightened my hair. "Savannah, Tea time!" Yelled Miss Sugar "okay I'll Be down in a second!" I yelled back.

When I got down to tea, Miss sugar started saying sorry about how we couldn't go to the concert, little did she know that Mathew one of the new social workers had agreed to take me and Dan. I just nodded and smiled at her and ate a little bit of my tea, "I'm finished" I said "You never eat much do you savannah?" sighed miss sugar "I guess not" I replied while running up to my room to finish getting ready.

I shut my bedroom door and walked over to my mirror, turned my straighteners back on and waited for them to heat up. While I was waiting I remembered the last My chemical romance concert I went to with my best friend Sammy, I remember spotting the guys playing kick ball before the show and just standing there watching frank kick the ball straight at the guy twice the size of him. My straighteners started buzzing to which brought me back to reality. I picked them up and continued to do my hair. I grabbed my eyeliner and applied my normal amount them I applied a little bit of concealer.

I walked to Dan's room and knocked on the door, Max was the one who opened it. He allowed me in, "you ready?" I asked Dan, "Where are you to going?" asked Max "Grrr" I growled at him. "Sorry" he replied. How I loved having the younger kids think we are devil vampire creatures. "YUP!" Screamed Dan a little too excited. "Sorry, a bit excited" he apologised. I giggled.

Dan grabbed my hand and led me to Mathew's car. Mathew was stood by his car in his MCR hoodie, Mathew was amazing because he was a foster kid once and he loved all the same bands as me and Dan. "There you are" said Mathew, "Yup, already to go" I smiled "Sorry we kept you waiting; I was waiting for savannah to get ready" Giggled Dan, "Hey! You're the one who took soooo long" I replied. "I think I believe Savannah" Smirked Mathew.

We got in the social workers car, and played guess the lyrics until we got there "Stand up fucking tall don't let them see your back and take my fucking hand and never be afraid again" "Our lady of sorrows" screamed Dan "one point to Dan, Next is: They all cheat at cards and the checkers are lost, My cellmate's a killer, they make me do push-ups (in drag) But nobody cares if you're losing I losing myself?! Well, I miss my mom, Will they give me the chair, or lethal injection, or swing from a rope if you dare; Ah, nobody knows...all the trouble I've seen!" said Mathew. "You Know What They Do To Guys like Us in Prison" I screamed. "Well done, But we are here now!" yelled Mathew.

Gerard's P.O.V

Frank kicked the ball into a fans face. "OH MY FUCKING GERD, ARE YOU OKAY, IM SOOOOOOOO SORRY!" I heard frank scream "yeah I'm good, it's okay" replied the fan, "Guys we need to go get ready" I said. We hugged the fan's good bye and want to go get ready. While we were walking away from the park Frank noticed a car parked outside the arena. On the side it said 'Sunnyside foster home for teens age 13-18' 'Number 07 854 458' He looked up at all of us and sadly said "do you think Savannah was sent there?" I thought about it and asked "Guys, How about as a band we adopt someone, or make it seem that way but we could try to adopt her and Frank will get her back?" I asked hopefully. "Gee, are you sure it'll work?" Mikey asked. "yeah as a band, she could come on tour, live with Frank. be like part of the family?" I asked "Okay!!!" screamed frank "not bothered" said mikey "Sure for Frank" replied ray.

Frank, Mikey and Ray ran on stage and grabbed their instruments, when they were ready I ran on and screamed "Hello London!" The guys started playing Summertime, "When the lights go out

Will you take me with you?

And carry all this broken bone

Through [Incomprehensible]

Highways I called home

Something I can't know 'til now

Until you pick me off the ground

With brick in hand, your lip gloss smile

Your scraped up knees

And if you stay I will either wait all night

Or until my heart explodes out

Until we find our way in the dark and out of heart

You can run away with me any time you want

Terrified of what I'd be

As a kid from what I've seen

Every single day when people shot

And put the pieces back together

Just to smash them down

Turn my headphones up real loud

I think I need them now

'Cause you suck the noise out

If you stay I will either wait all night

Or until my heart explodes out

Until we find our way in the dark and out of heart

You can run away with me any time you want

Well, anytime you want, well, anytime you want

Don't walk away

Don't walk away

Don't walk away

'Cause if you stay I will lead the way alright

But not until my heart explodes out

Until we fall away in the dark and out of heart

You can run away with me

You can run anytime you want

You can run away with me anytime you want" we played a few more songs.

At the end of the concert we ran off stage and started talking about the adoption.

Savannah's P.O.V

Omg, that was awesome. Sad thing is Dan will be leaving tomorrow and I'll be the random kid with no friends, "Savannah, don't be sad that I'm leaving, I'll try and come back, you remember all the pranks we played on Hannah, until she agreed to be fostered? Well let's just say my adoptive parents will be the new people who get pranked" Smiled Dan

When we got home we got yelled at by Miss Sugar, luckily Mathew had just dropped us of and gone home, before he got in trouble "Dan, you Adoptive parents will be here in an hour" yelled miss sugar. I didn't realise how late we had got back. I started to fall asleep.

When I woke, Dan had already gone. He left me a note.


I'm sorry I didn't get to say a personal goodbye, But I left you this bracelet. I'll miss you. Xox Dan.

Below the letter was the bracelet, it had 'Daniel and Savannah forever' engraved on it.

3 weeks later (My chemical romance have filled in all the adoption forms)

Well after all, we'll lie another day. (my chemical romance)Where stories live. Discover now