Chapter 2

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The sound of the alarm woke me up. It was six am. I got up, and took a bath. I prepared myself. Then I went to school. Class was pretty sure like the usual. The same boring one. But what could I do? I had to sit on the front row in order to listen to what the teacher said, or explained. I needed the scholarship anyway. During the lunch, I just ate alone in the class. I brought my own food. Just two pieces of bread. Canteen's food was way too expensive. I was enjoying my bread when the queenkas suddenly passed my class. They then entered. I started to feel uneasy. Just a few seconds, they had stood in front of me. They smirked evilly. "I never get it. Why a poor person like you can enter our school?" I stopped eating, and just looked at them. I didn't feel offended. What they said, it was nothing. There were a lot much more than that. I had to learn to just consider them as wind. Not getting any response, they were pissed off. The took my lunch box, and threw it. It landed on the floor, with my bread as well. I was surprised. They looked very happy. I stood up. "Why did you guys do that?" I asked bravely. Hyuna, the leader answered "because it is fun." She faked a smile. I turned speechless. A tear slipped down my eyes. "Now excuse, we can't stay any longer with you. We will be contaminated." One of them said, and they got out. I wiped my tears away. I went to where my bread was. I bent, and picked it up. My was gone. I didn't have anything to eat anymore. *sighed* my tears rolled down my cheeks again. I quickly wiped it away before someone saw it. I had to be strong. I must be. I convinced myself that everything was fine. I went back to my seat, and I studied. The school was finally over. I decided to go to the place which was written on the paper. I had some difficulty at first. But finally I found it. I was surprised. It's not a house. It was a mansion. Why did halabeoji ask me to go to this place? Did he have a debt with the owner of this house? What's wrong? I ended my curiousity. I collected my courage to press on the door bell. It rang. "Hi, how can I help you?" A woman in her mid forty came out. "Ehm, can I meet the owner of this house?" She looked hesitate. "Have you made any appointment?" She asked me. I shook my head. "No, but.. I thought there is something important between the owner of this house and my halabeoji. So.." "ehm, okay..please. she's inside." *she?* she showed me the way, and I followed her. It was huge. The garden was 10 times my living room. *woahh, daebak!* We stopped in a place which I guessed was the living room. It was luxurious. Everything here was expensive. If I would like to buy a house like this, working forever without spending any of it.. that was just useless, because ofcourse that was still not gonna be enough. Another woman in her mid forty came downstairs. "You must be Kim Hana." She said happily. She pulled me into a tight hug. "Ne, I am." I answered. "Come on, sit." She called me to sit on the couch, and I did. I kept looking at her, waiting for her to explain. "Ehm, do you by any chance know my halabeoji?" I asked nervously. She nodded her head, as she smiled widely. "Ofcourse. Your halabeoji is my father's best friend. Ouhh, how is him by the way?" "He.. ehm.. he had passed away. Weeks ago." I stuttered. She looked surprised. "He what?? Oh my God!" I forced a smile. "I am sorry for that." I shook my head. "Before his death, halabeoji asked me to come here. So, do you know what happened?" "Ouu, I forgot to introduce myself. I am Xi Hyoah. You can just call me eomma." She distracted the topic. I could sense that. "Ne, Mrs..." She just looked at me with quite big eyes. "I mean, eomma.." I continued. "Ehm, anyway, what's between your family and halabeoji?" Here is the next chapter. I hope you will drop some comments

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