Chapter 5

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I was now at school. I felt so hungry. My stomach was craving for food. I tried to hold it. I don't want to spend my money over those
expensive food. I was able to hold it. I was sure.
I looked at my reflection through the mirror. *it's okay Hana ah. You can do this.* I convinced myself. I was on my way out of the
bathroom when someone bumped into me, and I fell down. "Oops, I am sorry." She said, then she smiled. "It's your fault anyway.
Why don't you look at where you are going?" I took a deep breath. I got up as I forced a smile. I didn't want to face them any longer,
so I went back to class. 
"Have you seen the new students? Oh my God! They are all so good looking." One of the girls in the class said happily. "Ofcourse.
It will be good if I can date one of them. Don't you think so?" Her friend added. They were busy fangirling over some boys whom I
didn't even know, and I didn't have any plan to care about that. I just focused back on studying. 
The school finally over, and I had to work. I just realized that I forgot to tell eomma that I would be home quite late. I took out my
phone, but unfortunately, it had no battery left. *Great.* I walked passed the coridor. It was very crowded today. *Is korean
president here? What's with the crowd?* Suddenly more people came, and I was pushed away. My head hit the wall. *arghh, it
hurts. Who the hell did that?* I touched my sore forehead. It was okay as long as it didn't bleed. All of the sudden, they shouted.
*wae? Wae?* I couldn't help, but to feel slightly curious. I pushed myself between the crowd to have a good view. To my shock, I
saw a group of boys, and what?? Luhan was also there. What was he doing here?
I looked at my watch. Crap! It was 2pm now. I was almost late for work. I pushed myself back, and finally was able to go out safely. I
ran to the coffee shop where I worked. It was not too far from school, fortunately.
"I'm sorry Mrs.Lee. I won't be late again." I said as soon as I entered the shop. I panted hard. Lee Taemin, his only son, just laughed
at me. "Hmm, just change into your shirt." She commanded. Mrs.Lee was a good person, and so did her son. They really took good
care of me. Although she may be looked fierce from the outside, actually she was a very kind woman. She never scolded me, or cut
my salary no matter how many times I had been late. Out of the school, I could say that Taemin was the only friend I had. He
stopped studying at school since he was in senior high. Some sort of home-schooling. But that didn't make him stupid. In stead,
he was genius. I often brought my homework there, and he would always help me. 
"What's with your sore forehead, and the bruises on your knee?" He asked me as he made two cups of coffee that the customers
ordered. I smiled at the customers, and I answered him. "I fell down. Not a big deal. Anyway, you know what? I got a part time job at
Mrs.Jo mini market." I told him happily. "Jjinja? Chukkhae.." he congratulated me. "Ne, gomawo." The rest of the day just passed
like the usual. I and Taemin worked together to take care of the coffee and costumers. After the coffee shop, I went to where my
next work was located. 
It was 8pm now, and I had not got home. Eomma was so worried. "She didn't tell you where she go?" She asked Luhan. "No, she
didn't. She didn't even tell you, so why would she tell me?" Luhan answered as he kept his attention on his phone. "Are you
worried?" "No, why should I? She is not a foreigner after all, so she must know the road well." He simply answered. "What's with
that answer? She is your wife..." "Not yet eomma.." he cut her off. "I don't care. Go look for her. You can't go home before you find
her. End of discussion. Now go.." eomma commanded. He put his phone back to the pocket, and grabbed his car key. Then he
drove off. 
I looked at my watch. 15 minutes more, and I could go home. "Here's your change." I handed the money to the customer. 15
minutes passed by fast. I locked the door, and handed the key to Mrs.Jo. "thanks for the work. See you tomorrow." I said. I bid her
goodbye, and walked away.
The next chapter. Hope you enjoy it. :)

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