Chapter 36

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The school was over. I packed my books, and I got out of class. I stopped walking. That strange feeling came again. I covered my

mouth with my palm, as I ran quickly towards the bathroom. There, I vomitted. I guessed I lost too much of iodine. My body turned

weak. I could no longer control my balance, but..before I could fall, someone caught me by my waist. I looked up. I didn't wait to

back off. It was one of his friends, Chen. He released me. "Uh, I am sorry.." he murmured. I just looked blankly at him. He chuckled.

"I saw you running towards 'here' just now.." he used his finger to point at the floor, then continued. "So..I saw that you're about

to have known the rest." He smiled. I nodded my head in return. "Ehm, thanks.." I bowed a bit. I kept looking at him,

and he finally realized that he was still in a girl's bathroom. He immediately got out. I followed him. 

He offered to take me home, but I refused. I told him that I had something else to do. He bid me goodbye, then drove off. I

suddenly saw Minyoung, and Luhan walking towards the school gate, where I was standing at. They seemed to not notice me. They

looked so happy. They were talking, laughing, with Minyoung's arm around Luhan's. My heart was broken. I immediately ran away.

I could not stand it. I could not hold it. 

--- Xi Luhan ---

"Oppa, you saw that? Hahaha it was damn funny." Minyoung laughed out loud. "Yeah, you heard what she said?" I replied as I

laughed too. Suddenly she encircled her arm on mine. I was quite startled, but I just let it be. Without my knowing, Minyoung saw

Hana. She saw her running away as soon as she saw us, but she didn't tell me. She did feel a little bit sorry, but..what she felt more

was happiness. 

--- Kim Hana ---

I ran to the bus stop, and took a seat there. I started to sob. My heart was hurt. They looked meant for each other. I was the third

person in their relationship. I was not supposed to be between them. The sound of the ringing phone brougt me back to the

reality. I looked at the screen. It was Suho oppa. I wiped my tears away. I forced a smile, before I pressed the 'answer' button.

"Oppa.." I tried to act normal. "Oh Hana ah..I have received your text. I think I can.. when's your holiday once again?" "Uh, ehm..

next week.." I answered. "Oppa.. on the trip day, can you come, and pick me up?" I asked as a tear rolled down my cheek. Suho

was quite startled. "Wae?" "'s just..I miss you.." I forced a smile. "I want to spend more time with you." My tears kept

rolling down. "Hana ah, gwenchanna? Something's wrong? Tell me." He protectively commanded. I shook my head as though he

could see me. Suho sighed through the other side of the phone. "Ne..arrayo..see you next week then." He said. I nodded my head.

"Ne.." I murmured as I held my tears back. I then hung up. Suho noticed something strange on me. He searched for that person's

number, and he called him. 

"Ne?" "Ohh hyung.." a smile appeared on Suho's face. "What do you want to know this time?" That person teased his dongsaeng.

"A..ani..can you let me know what's actually happening between she and her husband?" Suho asked. That person sighed. "It's a

bit complicated. Luhan has a childhood friend, and that girl seems to have a crush on him. I didn't really now, but..I guess..Luhan

still has feelings for her." He explained. *is that why?* Suho thought on his own. He nodded his head in understanding.

"Ne..Gomawo Jonghyun hyung.." "Ne.." Jonghyun answered then he hung up. 

I finally arrived home. I directly went towards my bedroom. Yuna unnie saw me. She wanted to approach me, but..she

just..shrugged it off. She would just deal with it later. 

Not too long later, Yuna saw his brother. "Xi Luhan.." Yuna called him when he was about to reach the stairs. He turned his head to

look at her. "Wae?" Yuna just simply waved her forefinger as the sign for him to come near her. Luhan rolled hie eyes on her, but

still.. he did that. "What did you do to my sister in law?" Luhan was quite startled. *she knows?* he gave her a blank expression.

Not totally blank..we could see that he was nervous. "Ehm,, you did do something wrong, didn't you?" Yuna raised her eyebrow

with her arms crossed. "What's wrong with her?" He asked with a soft, and worried tone. " asked me? I am the one who's

supposed to ask you that since.." Yuna couldn't continue her words because Luhan suddenly turned around, and ran through the

stairs. She rolled her eyes. *that kid!*

Luhan took a deep breath, before he brought his hand closer to the door knob, and turned it. There I was. He saw me sitting on

the bed. Hearing some noises, I spontaneously turned my head. I was so surprised. I saw him. I remembered that my face was still

full of tears. I immediately turned back. I wiped my tears away. 

He slowly walked closer to me. He touched my shoulder. I backed off. I walked backwards. He was quite surprised with my action.

"Hana ah.." he softly called. He walked to me, and pulled me into a hug. I didn't even have time to react. I missed his embrace. He

caressed my soft hair.

We stayed still for a while, until he released the hug. I looked at him. He wiped away the tears on me with his thumb. "I am so

sorry.." he murmured. My heart flinched with that words. My eyes were looking deeply at his. He brought himself closer to me, to

my lips. I wanted to back off, but my body wouldn't listen to me. *wake up Hana ah.. you are not supposed to do this.* I tried to

scold myself. He was now getting closer to me. When his lips was about to reach mine, someone suddenly opened the door. That

person looked so surprised. We both turned our head. It was Yuni unnie. She was standing by the door. "Ehm..

continue what you're doing. Uh, I'm just passing by." She nervously said as she faked a smile. We just dumfoundedly looked at

her. "Okay..okay..I got that.. I'll leave now." With that, she closed the door, and walked away.

*sighed* It was awkward now. Luhan nervously looked at me, and I did the same. It's strange. I just suddenly simply forgot about

the incident before. "How are things between you..and..Minyoung?" I asked with my eyes looked at the floor. I was not dare

enough to look at his eyes. Having no answer, I decided to bring my head up. He immediately pulled me into a tight hug, so tight

that I could barely even breathe. "Ehmm.." I groaned a little as I tried to push him off me. He did the opposite. He hugged me


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