Chapter 11

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"what's wrong with her?" luhan asked himself. As soon as I went away, Yuna, his sister..entered the
room. Luhan looked at her. "What happened?" She asked as she took a seat on the bed. "I..I don't
know. There are bruises on her back, but she didn't let me apply this cream." Luhan told his sister
disappointedly. *perhaps she's still angry with me.* hearing that statement, Yuna suddenly laughed out
loud. "You want to apply that cream for her on her back? Huahaha.," her sister asked her again. Luhan
pouted. "You are supposed to help me noona." He protested. "Arra..arra.. you are really my innocent
brother." Yuna teased him before she continued. "Listen. Girls are so sensitive. You can't simply just do
anything you want. After all, she's not that kind of girl. You want to apply the cream, that means, she has
to expose her body, even though just a little bit of it. You guys haven't married yet. How can she do
that?" Yuna explained. Luhan finally got it. *oh my God* "then she must be thinking that I'm a pervert
guy right now." Luhan said. "Noona, you are better at this than me. Please tell her that I'm sorry." He
added. Yuna nodded her head. Luhan put the cream on her hands. "And..please do that for me." He
asked for. Yuna smiled, seeing his brother. "You have grown up Luhan ah.. your marriage will be in a
week., and by that time, you are not that little Luhan noona used to know anymore. You have a wife to
take care of. Now please.. just do whatever you have to. Don't disappoint eomma, and appa. Arraso?"
Luhan nodded his head. He pulled Yuna into a hug. "Thanks for everything noona." Yuna hugged her
Someone knocked on the door. "Ne??" It was Yuna unnie. I smiled at her. She sat beside me on the bed.
"Do I take your time?" She asked politely. "Aniyo.. I am not doing anything." I answered. "That boy
asked me to tell you how sorry he was.. and this..." unnie showed me the cream. I smiled. "Let me help
you." I lied down with my back facing her. She brought my tshirt up, and started applying the cream.
"Rgggg.." I moaned in pain. "I don't know how did you get this, or how was he connected to this, but.. I
do know that he's a good boy. He maybe is quite naughty, and childish sometimes, but.. he has a pure
heart. He won't be able to do bad things. Trust me." Yuna unnie explained. I nodded my head, as I
forced a smile. When everything's done, I sat up. "Whatever had happened between the both of you, I'm
sure that he didn't mean that." She added before she walked out of my room, and closed the door. 
Since I got home, I started to feel something strange with me. I lost my appetite, and I felt a little bit
dizzy. I decided to just sleep, and perhaps it would get better. 
It was dinner time now, but Hana didn't come down to eat. "Where's Hana?" Eomma asked. Her
question was directed for luhan, but he didn't know that it was for him. So, he just kept quiet. "Is she
still angry?* he thought. Not getting any answer, eomma rolled an eyebrow. "Xi Luhan.." she called.
"Ne?" "Where's your wife?" Eomma repeated. "At her bedroom, I guess." Luhan simply replied. "Go call
her. Tell her that dinner is ready." Eomma commanded. Luhan did what he was told.
I thought that sleeping would ease the pain, but no. It got worse. I couldn't even get up from my bed. It
was like I lost my strength. I turned weak. Not only that, I got all sweaty. Suddenly I heard someone
knocked on my door. I wanted to talk, but I could not. I felt too dizzy. Each time I moved a bit, the
dizziness came along. 
Luhan had knocked on the door for a few times, but no one answered. So, he decided to just open t. He
awkwardly entered the room. "Ehmm..uh..eomma said that..dinner is ready." Luhan stuttered. He
looked at my sleeping figure. "Hana??" He called out. I was shivering at that time, and he noticed that.
He ran to my side. He moved my blanket aside just to see my pale face. "Hana ah.." he called out
worriedly. He touched my forehead, and it was burning. I had fever. 
Luhan wanted to run outside to call the others. But before he could, I grabbed his wrist to stop him.
"Please..don't.." I said weakly. He listened to me. He fixed my blanket. He then ran outside. Not too long
later, he came back with a pail of cold water, and a towel. He soaked the towel, and put it on my
forehead. I shivered more because the change of temperature. "It's cold." I brought my hand up weakly.
I decided to grab the towel. Luhan noticed it. He held my hand to stop me, and put it down. 
Eomma, and Yuna unnie entered the room with a bowl of porridge, and medicine. Luhan helped me to
get to a sitting position. I groaned. He took the porridge from eomma. "Here.." he took a spoon of it,
then he blew it a liitle bit before serving it to my mouth. I ate it. "Hmm.." It tasted bitter. He served me the
other one, but I refused it. I backed off, and shook my head weakly. "Come on, you have to feed." He
tried to persuade me. I finally opened my mouth. Eomma, and unnie felt like it was fine here, so they
left. Finished with the porridge, he bribed me the medicine. I drank it in difficulty. After everything was
done, I went back to sleep. Luhan didn't leave me. Instead, he just sat beside my bed, always checking
up on me. 
 Drop some comments >.< Thanks for keep reading :D

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