Chapter 3

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She sighed, before answered "Actually, a long time ago, my abeoji, and your halabeoji made a promise. A personal promise." "And
what's that?" I asked curiously. "Listen, I know it's odd, or lame, but.. it's you guys' obligation to do that." She paused for a while,
then continued "you should be married with my son, and it has been arranged long before you guys were born." I was shocked,
and speechless I guessed. *what did she just say?* "I'm sorry, but.." Before I could get up, she held me by my wrist. "It's your
halabeoji's last wish before his death. He was so happy back then when he planned about this. Think about it." *sighed* "I will, but
please give me some time." She released her hand from mine. She put a piece of card on the table. "Here's my identity card. Tell
me when you have change of thoughts." I took up that up, and smiled at her. "Yes, I will." She herself showed me the way to go out.
"It's nice meeting you again Hana ah. Your halabeoji talked a lot about you." She said before she hugged me again. I hugged her
back. "Thank you for today..eomma. I'll call you later." I said. I bid her goodbye, and went home.
I thought about it all night. Was that right? Was that what halabeoji wanted? I was married to his best friend's grandson? After
having some kinds of thoughts, I grabbed my phone. "Ehm, yoboseyo." "Ne??" Mrs.Xi said through the phone. "I..I've made my
decision. I..I agreed." I stuttered. "Jjinja?" She was so happy. She asked me to pack all my stuffs, and moved to live at her house. I
just did what I was told.
Meanwhile, The Xis were having their dinner. Mrs.Xi said something to break the silence. "Your future wife came today." She
smiled widely as she took a spoon of rice, and brought it to her mouth. Her son, Luhan, who was drinking his wine, coughed and
spilled it out. The maid rushed to him, and handed a piece of handkerchief. "You don't have to be that shocked boy." Yuna, The
Xis' only daughter teased her brother. "Noona.." Luhan glared at her. "Oh, the one whom you told me? What's her name again?
Hani?" Mr.Xi added."it's Hana yeobo." His wife corrected. "Then eomma? How is she?" Yuna asked. "She's beautiful. She looks
exactly like her mom, and from the first time I saw her, I directly knew that she was not that kind of girl." Eomma explained happily.
"Oh, slightly forget, she will move to stay with us." She added. "Bwo?" Luhan was so surprised. "But how can you decide that on
your own?" He protested. "She needs it. Mr.Kim just passed away weeks ago. She needs us. She needs someone whom she can
lean on, someone who can calm her down, a family.." eomma said. "But.." "end of discussion. It's a must. The marriage will be on
the end of this month. Better prepare yourself as a good groom, sweetheart." Luhan just kept quiet. He knew that even though he
hated this arranged marriage so much, and he would do anything to make it cancelled, he still couldn't. It was what her mom
asked for. Once she wanted something or she commanded someone to do something, that someone wouldn't be able to say no.
The door bell suddenly rang. "I'll open the door." Yuna volunteered herself. "I've got homework to do." Luhan said before he got
up, and headed to his bedroom. 
Yuna opened the door. "Ehm, hey." I greeted. "Hey.." she smiled at me. "You must be Hana." "Yeah.." I nodded my head. "Good,
let's get in. Mrs.Park, please bring her luggage in." "Ne agassi." The woman who opened the door for me when I first came
answered. "Come on." She brought me to the living room. I saw Mrs.Xi, and a man there. He was definitely Mr.Xi. 
"You made a good choice Hana ah." Mrs.Xi pulled me into a hug again. "Ne.. arra.." I replied. "Anyway, this is your husband's
father. So he should be your appa." She told me. "Oh, appa annyeonghaseyo." I bowed infront of him. He responded me with a
big smile on his face. "And I'm Yuna, Luhan's nonna." She introduced herself. "It's nice to see you."
The Xis were all so kind. I wondered how my husband was because I had not seen him. Looking at his family members, I guessed
he must be a good person. I was now in my new bedroom. It was large. Mine at home was just a hut compared to this. There was a
king size bed on the middle of it, and not to mention the window. It took one side of the wall.
I was about to go to sleep when I suddenly had the urged to pee. *Where is the bathroom?* I went outside, and started searching.
This house was large with many rooms in it. How could I know which one was the bathroom? *sighed* I decided to just open the
door, and look at it one by one.
*sighed* I had entered many rooms so far, and I didn't even find one. What the hell was wrong. I stopped in front of a room. This
was gonna be the last, and if it was not, I was gonna just stop searching, and resisted my urge. 
I turned the door knob, and it opened. Without any awareness of whose room that was, I entered. *oh my God!* You knew what I
saw? I saw a boy. He was half naked with a towel wrapped around his waist. *oh my God*
Here it is..

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