Chapter 34

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Yuna dragged her doctor boyfriend to the living room. She crossed her arms. "Now spill.." Yuna calmly said. He looked surprised.

"W..what?" He stuttered. She chuckled. "You know you can never lie to me, don't you? You suck at it." She added as she smiled

mischivieously with her arms still crossed. "What happened to Hana?" She repeated. Junho took a deep breath. He fixed his black

glasses before he answered "she told me to keep it as secret, but.." Yuna was waiting for him to continue. "She's pregnant, by a

month.." Yuna was so surprised with that news. "Jjinja?" She asked excitedly. Junho nodded his head. "Yahh..Why did she.." she

could not continue because Junho used his palm to close her mouth. Yuna difficultly set herself free from him. "Yah!" She

shouted. "What? Yah? Cchh.." he crossed his arms. " want the whole people in this house to hear it?" He scolded

her. Yuna finally realized her mistake. "But why?" She asked in a rather soft voice. Junho shook his head. "She probably has her

own problem. Just let her be..she needs time to adapt to this whole situation. It's still new to her." Junho explained. Yuna nodded

her head in understanding. "But still..I am so happy..wuahh.." she cheered happily, while Junho just smiled. 


I slowly opened my eyes. I found myself in the bedroom. I felt something heavy on my waist. I looked down, and I noticed that it

was his arm encircling it. His face was so close to mine. I looked at it. I could feel my heart beating so fast. I missed this. I stopped

doing everything that I wanted to do for a while. Just enjoying his presence beside was more than enough. It made me felt

better. A smile appeared on my face. Unfortunately, that beautiful moment was no longer there. That morning sickness came

again. I wanted to vomit. I immediately got up. Luhan could feel some movements so he opened his eyes. He saw me running

towards the bathroom. When he realized what happened, he rushed to me. 

I locked the door, and I threw up. *I have to endure this for about nine months. Can I?* I thought by myself. I heard someone

knocked on the door. It was definitely Luhan. "Hana ah, what's wrong? Are you okay?" He asked worriedly through the other side

of the door. I used the water to clean my mouth, then I turned the tap. I stayed still, looking at my reflection through the mirror. I

was still panting hard. "Hana ah.." Luhan knocked on the door again. I sighed, before I decided to open it. He looked so worried.

As soon as I got out, he brought me closer to him. He put both of his palms on my cheeks. "Gwenchanna?" I awkwardly put his

hands down as I nodded my head. I hadn't talked to him since last night. I walked to the bed and sat down. "I.." "ehm, I'm going to

get ready for school." I uttered as I forced myself to smile. Before I could walk away, he grabbed my wrist to stop me. We stayed still

for a while. I looked deep into his eyes. He just looked at me, without uttering any single word. I shoved my hand away from his

hold. He looked hurt, which I felt quite guilty for. His eyes were so sincere. "I..I got to go.." I murmured before I entered the


--- Xi Luhan ---

I stopped her. It seemed to work because she turned around. I thought it would be good, but..when I saw her eyes.. I lost my

words. I just.. could not tell her. There was something that holding me aside, telling me that it was not the right time. She shoved

my hand away, and entered the bathroom. My heart hurted so bad. I sat on the bed. I thought telling Minyoung the truth would

solve all these problems, but..I suddenly remembered about Mrs.Shin. *sighed*

--- Kim Hana ---

We were all gathered in the dining room, having breakfast together as a family. I kept quiet since the start. Eomma noticed the

awkward tension between us. She eyed yuna unnie. Unnie got eomma's message. "Luhan ah, why don't you get Hana more toast?

Look at her. She looks so skinny." Yuna said. Luhan was startled. "O..oh.." he nervously said. He grabbed more toast. He looked at

me for a while, before he put it on my plate. "Thanks.." I murmured in a soft voice. He nodded his head, as he bit his lower lips.

Yuna wasn't satisfied at all. "Ehm, what about your milk? Luhan, get her more.." she suggested. "Just let the maid do that." Appa

suddenly barged in. Eomma glared at him. "No..Luhan can do that." She corrected. Luhan did what he was told. He stood close to

me with a jar of milk on his hand. He slowly poured the milk to my glass. I didn't dare to look at his eyes. It reached half the glass,

and Luhan handed the jar back to the maid. Unnie sighed. She gave up. We then enjoyed the rest of breakfast in silence. I could

feel Luhan taking glances at me. I turned my head a bit, and our eyes met. I immediately looked away. 

Boring chapter, isn't it? *sigh*

But I tried my best. So..hope you guys enjoy it..♥

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