Chapter 24

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As promised, I went to the XX Cafe. Actually it was quite hard walking in heels, but I tried to hold it. I finally arrived, but I didn't see

him. "Excuse me, ehm, do you by any chance know a guy named Luhan? Xi Luhan.." I asked a waiter, perhaps he was still in his mid

twenty. "Are you Mrs.Xi?" He asked me back. "Ne.." I nodded my head awkwardly. "Oh..follow me." He replied, then walked away. I

followed him. He brought me to a room. We stopped infront of the door. "Mr.Xi reserved a private room for tonight." He smiled, as

he opened the door for me. There he was. He looked stunning, with his black tuxedo. 

I nervously walked towards him. As soon as I entered the room, the waiter before closed the door. "Hi.." he greeted me. "Hi.." I

replied. He stood up, and pulled the seat for me. I was not really used to this kind of him. "Thanks.." actually, for most girls, they

would think that it was romantic, with the dim light, candles..but I didn't think so. My heart was thumping like crazy. 

The food was finally served on the table. We enjoyed it. None of us started the conversation. All we could hear was silence. I

noticed a piano on the other side of the room. Ehm, the room we were at, and the next room were separated by a big glass, with a

door on the center. "There is a piano.." I announced excitedly. "Yeah.." he nodded his head. "Can you play it?" I asked. He looked

quite surprised. "Ehm, yeah..but.." "try it.." I cut him off. He raised his eyebrow. "Come on, you never play it, not even once." I

protested. "I did. You just have not noticed that." He defensed himself. I sighed. I gave up. No matter how much I wanted him to

play that piano, but if he refused it, I couldn't do anything. "Sure..just continue our lunch." I uttered. Luhan felt guilty. He got up. I

looked at him. "Come here.." he grabbed my wrist. 

He opened the door, and entered the 'piano' room. He took a seat infront of the piano, while I stood beside him. I was waiting for

him to start. He finally brought his hands closer to that music instrument, and he played. I kept watching him. I watched how his

hands suited the tuts well, or how serious he was in playing it. He seemed to bring himself into the music. I was amazed. He was so

good. He sometimes took a glance at me, before he turned his attention back to what he was doing. I might not know what song

that was, but it was romantic. It felt like he was not the only one who was drown into the music, but I was too. 

He finally reached the end of the song. I clapped my hands in awe. "Your are brilliant." I complimented. "I know..thanks." he

smiled. When I was about to walk away, he suddenly grabbed my wrist. I turned my head. "Wh..." I was so shocked. Before I could

react, he immediately pulled me for a kiss. I meant, our lips touched, and it was my first. I wanted to back off, but I couldn't. My

body just would not let me. We stayed like that for a while. 

He released me. He bit his bottom lips. "I.." he could not finish his sentence, because I slapped him. Luhan was surprised. He held

his cheek. I looked at him in disbelief. "What were you doing?" I asked him. He just kept quiet. I wanted to leave that place, but he

grabbed me by my wrist to stop me again. "I love you.." I suddenly heard him announced. I turned my head to look at him. "I love

you." He repeated. My heart was in a mess. I was confused at that moment. I admitted, I felt happy, so happy.. but there was part of

me, who was scared that it was all lies, that he was just playing, and every single thing that happened tonight would just disappear

by tomorrow, or even the day after. "I..I need some time." I uttered, and walked out of that room, leaving him alone. 

I went back to the hotel. I was now taking a bath, or not really.. I was just trying to distance him. The water ran down my body, my

hair. My mind flew back to him. *Is he serious about what he said? How about Minyoung? He loves her, doesn't him?* I

remembered the incident when I slapped his face. I did feel sorry. *sighed* things just had got more complicated, or worse.. I

loved him too. 

I turned off the shower, and I put on by bathrobe. Then, I turned the door knob, and walked out. There he was. He was standing in

the balcony, looking at the sky which was filled with a moon, and stars. His back was facing me. *sighed* I slowly walked towards

him. I hugged him from his back, through his waist. I leaned my head on his back. "I am so sorry." I uttered sincerely. "Is that a

yes?" I heard him asking me. "I don't know, maybe.." I replied. He turned around without breaking the hug. Now he was facing me.

My hands were still on his waist. It was awkward. I was never this close to him, except the one at the party, and..just now. He

suddenly brought his hands close to my face. He held it. "Thanks for giving me a chance to love you." He said. He brought his face

closer to mine. When our lips were about to touch again, I stopped him. "Wait.." he looked at me. "What about Minyoung?" I

asked. "I just realized that I love you, more than anything in this world. Even if I have to die for you, I am ready." He answered. He

looked deep into my eyes. I could feel sincere on his words. "Sshh.." I put my forefinger infront of his mouth. "I won't let you do

that." I said, before I pulled him into a kiss. It was not only a simple kiss, but it was passionate. Our love was filled on it. I closed my eyes. 

Things started to get hotter. I could feel Luhan getting more agressive. He suddenly brought me up. He carried me bridal style as

he walked towards the bed, without breaking the kiss. He slowly put me down. I was now below him. He started to take my bathrobe off of me. 

Simply said, that night, we finally did it. We finally did what eomma, appa, and unnie wanted us to. We did what most couples were supposed to do at their first night. 

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