Ready for the Real World

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I hovered over the struggling Ursa as I had one of it's paws in my hand with the other gone from being ripped off. My claws slowly dug into it's neck as smoke was emitted from the wound but was still living through the pain I caused.

I hissed at it as it's arm tried to lift up, "submit," were my only words as I slammed it's paw down. It let out a growl of pain before it's red orbs stared down into my own but mine weren't filled with fear and rage. Only dominance.

"You're my pawn," I said feeling it's hatred increased before snapping it's jaws at me. "Waste," my claws ripped through the side of it's throat as it's eyes slowly darkened before the black smoke covered it until it disappeared.

My gaze turned to the rest of the pack of Ursas that watched my brutal display but showed no signs of acting out of place like the other. Their fear had refueled me slightly but land walkers' were a true meal for me. A meal I would want to fatten myself off of once more.

The memory of the large male was still in my mind watching it cower away from me and the packs of meat and fat that could satisfy me for hours. Until that female came up. I remembered how she embarrassed me in front of Alpha- no, the Queen showing how weak I was to simply deal with her. I've heard the others speak of land walkers forming packs to protect themselves, yet I couldn't take on one that time.

A guttural growl escaped my throat followed by the hiss of my tail serpent feeding off the wavelengths of my hate. If I was still mindless I'd escape to the surface and hunt down the first land walker I found, but I am not mindless. The Queen had made sure I was far from it to complete her goal. The anger nearly disappeared on the thought of the Queen and how she saw use in me. The last thing I wished to do was prove her wrong.

I straightened my back knowing what I must do and that's please the Queen. I'll paint her castle in the colors of the land walkers if I must and have their bones recreate her chair.

My tongue trailed over my snout at the beautiful image of the Queen praising me for such intricate designs. But in order for my dream to become a reality, I must make it to the surface with Cinder. Turning my back on the pack, my feet thundered against the ground as I made my way towards the castle off in the distance. The place I call home unlike other Grimm.

Time Skip

I came face to face with the door leading to the Queen and made sure to quiet my footsteps and now my head low for her. My hand gently pushed open the door to see the Queen on the far side with Cinder on her right. I could care less about her being here now as I went down on four and lowered my head in front of the Queen secretly hoping she would lay a hand on me. She did exactly that placing a gentle hand on my mask. I may not be able to feel it directly but I bathed in the affection she had given me.

"Seems like a new addition," The Queen said having got my attention. She tilted my head up and ran her finger against the growing bone plates under my jaw protecting my neck then fingered two pieces of jutting bone from the ends of my mouth. "Boarbatusk horns," she clarified dropping my head then humming in thought.

I dropped my head low once more knowing this is the best time to ask, "My Queen... I wish to join... Cinder," some of my words sounded similar to raspy grumbles while the softer sounding ones had a hiss added to them. "I'll listen... to her... If you wish it... My Queen..."

Although my head was down I could still feel the Queen's eyes on me as I eagerly awaited for what she had to say. Though it was seconds it felt like an eternity before she spoke again. "Not all the pieces are finalized just yet but you'll still make do with the weapon by itself," she said causing confusion to course through me.

I wanted her to clarify but she spoke up once more, "you may go but go to the arena to collect one piece of your final form."

With that said, I stood up and headed back to the door hearing clinking footsteps behind me. I glanced behind me to see Cinder walking a good distance away from my serpent and keeping a close eye on me. I grunted facing forward once more until a small, sinister presence was next to me, "what is it?"

Her footsteps were a whole lot quicker trying to match my long strides as she examined me closely, "it'll be quite interesting to bring you into the base and avoid prying eyes. I doubt you'd want faunus to see you so soon. It would be a snack compared to the real meal for you."

My Grimm instincts wanted to jump up happily at the mention of a meal but I easily suppressed that urge from the many months of training. "Doesn't matter... when I eat... Nor who..."

I didn't waste time quickly opening the arena door and scanning the area for the piece the Queen had mentioned. I noticed Cinder had propped herself against the doorway watching me for my next move on what to do. I ignored her eyes as I walked further in making it to the other side and not spotting anything. I closed my eyes a bit saddened to not find the piece and was planning to head back until a shadow swept over the arena.

A growl left my throat as I looked up to see a Deathstalker but what caught my attention the most was a large object jammed into its back. The armor only lessened the blow before it pierced it's exoskeleton. The Grimm jumped down from it's perch and faced me flaring it's mandibles and pincers in a challenge. A challenge that would end in death for it.

A smirk made its way on my face as I squared my shoulders and hunched down roaring loud enough to match it's screech. I could use the object to my advantage of I get close enough to grab a hold of it.

With my mind made up I bounded towards it waiting for it to make the first strike. It moved it's left pincers towards me to knock me down but I jumped over it and hooked my claws into the indentations. I would've preferred the stinger so I could have gotten closer but this'll do.

I could feel it trying to shake me off as I ran along it's bone plate, being sure to avoid the other pincer and stinger, and felt my balance shift when it turned in a circle. My claws were slipping feeling the speed almost throw me away had the first thing I hit weren't it's face. I wedged my feet into one side of the mandibles as my claws scratched and sank its way into it's eyeballs.

It screeched once more as it tried to buck me off its face but I had rolled over onto it's back so I was mostly steady again. I wasted no time in running straight to the object to see a bone great sword. As curious as I was about the origin, I knew it would be better to finish this now. I left the sword still in it's back but I pulled along it while jumping off its back for gravity to cut through the bone plates and exoskeleton exposing more black smoke. By the time I felt that the sword was free the Death Stalker collapsed behind me fading into black mist.

I held the Great Bone Sword in my claws and felt a smirk once again crease my face, "you will look beautiful... in red."

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