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I am made of a large connection of negative emotions ranging from hatred to depression to lust and to sloth. Us Grimm are made to experience very little of these emotions to focus on feeding off of the ground walkers rather than each other. Though there are times when lesser Grimm are attracted to the negative emotions of bigger and stronger kin. Which is why I'm not surprised that there are Creeps behind me feeding off of my regret.

Now what could have caused me to experience this you may say? Is it not killing the children who had gotten in my way? Dealing with Cinder and her minions? Or forgetting to fill my stomach? It's, unfortunately, none of the above. Rather a small mouse fau-

"Does your teeth and the Taijitu both have venom that is used to inject people? How tall do you think you're going to get? Since, ya know, you're getting bigger every time I see you. Are those tusks growing from the side of your mouth? Are they Goliath or boarbatusks? When do you think you'll be able to fly? Is that a mane you're-" enough is enough.

I placed my hand completely around her head and a dark thought seeped into my mind on how easy it would be to crush her skull. As appealing as it would be after dealing with her numerous questions, she has more use to me alive. "Another word... And you die." Reluctantly, I removed my hand to see her mouth clamped shut and her attention fully on me.

"Better." My gaze traveled to the Ursa mask I had given her that was laying harmlessly on the ground by her thigh. She had removed it due to it constantly obstructing her view and nearly slipping off. She had promised me that she'll wear it as soon as she gets proper tools to keep it on for some reason. There was no need to keep measly promises over something so small. Not that it'll hurt me if she chooses not to wear it.

My eyes met hers once I noticed her shifting uncomfortably in place like she's itching to say something but knows better than to ask. I held my ground refusing to crumble from the pleading and innocent look from her eyes. Turns out Neo isn't the only one with those large and adorable eyes- what?

Damn the reincarnated one! She's getting to me as well. But now, this one has rounded ears to the look. I only came to the surface under the Queen's order to train and fight. Not be put under this spell by these cute, small females. No!

"Aaaaaarrrrrgggggghhhh," I groaned causing the Creeps to scamper away and Kate to have a large smile appear on her face. "I can't fly and Goliath." I grumbled out and shot a glare at the female silently celebrating.

Kate stilled her dancing and raised a hand up in question. "What is it? Only one question." I quickly added before she had the chance to squeeze in ten in a single breath.

Good thing I said that since she had just pursed her lips out before sighing, "can you answer the 'how tall are you going to get' question?"

Now that's something I don't know the answer to. Having a multitude of Grimm inside me makes me unique and not known. But that also means I don't know much about me either. "I'm not sure. Not too big... but good size. Bigger than prey." I stood up from my position and shook my body to get rid of the kinks left in my muscle. "Let's go. No questions and... don't know how to... train."

Kate smiled, for some odd reason, and stood up to stand next to me. "If you don't know how to teach me then I can focus on getting stronger in the White Fang. Then, I can exceed them and you'll hopefully know what to do by then. Or create a gladiator fighting pit." She finished off before looking around the area and humming loud. "Do you know where the base is? You kind of carried me when I wasn't paying attention."

And I wasn't paying attention right now. The gladiator pit idea was a relatively good one. She would be able to go head to head with my kin and outsmart, maneuver, and out skill them. She will be able to learn from each dangerous situation and will benefit from the hard work. Perhaps I should get started on it in-between missions.

I turned my attention back to Kate and grinned causing a bit of nervousness to flow out of her. "Lets go. Training awaits."

Time Skip brought to you by Kate dragging a giant Grimm around

My back was pressed against a bulkhead as the swarm of white fang went to work. Over time, they learned to not be as disturbed of my presence, but that didn't exclude the recruits. Instead, they seemed to be the most curious of me working with them. It was enjoyable playing with their fears as they tried to get closer to me. It did get quite boring with the lack of the usual humans I was working with.

Though I will see them once the time is right, which is approaching rather quickly. The time the sky will turn black and fear will fill my kin's bellies. My natural side drooled from the thought of humans being devoured. Quite a feast it will be.

A faunus stopped their pace towards me once they saw the drool. He gulped and took a few steps towards me and handed me a letter. "T-this is from the b-boss. She said m-make sure it gets directly to you." He held the letter over to me, but I didn't take it.

"Open it." He was caught off guard by the order and was quickly silenced before he could utter a word. "Would you rather... me tear it... and not know?"

He slowly shook his head and opened the letter, while keeping an eye on me. Once the writing was present, he held it out to me once again and looked like he was ready to bolt. Knowing this, I took my sweet time reaching for it, daring him to drop it and run. I'm not sure if it was me, but he looked to get paler every inch I got to him.

As soon as I was about to grab it, another body got in the way and took it. "You can go on. I got this," Kate said as the male nodded and took off. "Times like this reminds me of how terrifying you are." She took a seat next to me and handed me the paper without hesitation.

I huffed and read what the note said. "Gather your Grimm and wait for the signal." Crumbling the paper up, I tossed it elsewhere now that it has no use. I looked down at the mouse faunus and now noticed the scrapes and bruises patterned on her. At least I know she is training hard now.

"Not sure if you care or not, but I'll be back training tomorrow. The bruises are just for show." Her head was down and her eyes closed. "I bet you can smell or feel the pain coming off me. Can you?" She looked up at me showing
her bruised face.

"Anything can. You are bad... at hiding it."

She chuckled and lightly touched a forming bruise on her cheek. "This is what happens when I won't stay down. I am quite small compared to the others. My ears aren't helping my case either."

I looked away from her for a moment before placing a hand on her head, "I'm not Cinder." I said before closing my eyes.

Let's get something across real quick

I'm a piece of shit for making you guys wait *looks at the time* about 9 months for this shitty as chapter. I'm rewatching RWBY to help me write out the rest of season 3 and maybe season 4.

I will accept all insults my way now

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Nov 02, 2021 ⏰

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