More Than Upgrades

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Up above is what the Grimm looks like


I leaned back against the floor of the bullhead and tilted my head to the side watching Neo and Roman wave to the children we just fought. "Beaten by younglings." I said wearing a smirk as Roman whipped his head over to me.

"That wasn't me losing. I was just testing out the worth of the Paladin that we had stolen. Turns out it was a piece of shit. Plus," here we go again, "I weakened them enough for you to get them in one swipe. Yet you didn't kill them and now they know you exist." He threw his arms up putting the blame on me.

I rolled my eyes and rolled over so my back was facing him, "it doesn't matter... None will believe... Talking Grimm. And I would have... Killed them if... You didn't stop me."

He grunted and stepped over my outstretched legs to be in my view again. "If they were civilians then I wouldn't be worried, but they are part of this training program at a very popular school." I trailed my eyes up to meet his face and he continued, "if they decide to tell everybody there about you then surprise won't be on our side. Do you understand now?"

I huffed and sit up until I was in a sitting position, "I'll deal with them... But I need more info."

Roman clapped his hands together, "I'll make sure all the information gets passed onto you. Just don't cause anymore trouble for us."

I stretched my foot out to nudged him, "I don't cause trouble... I end it." I retracted my foot and heard light footsteps heading towards us. I turned to see Neo twirling her umbrella and made her way to me. She silently, and without my permission, sat on my lap like a child. She didn't even have the decency to acknowledge what she had did.

A grumble left my throat as I nudged the back of her head with my snout, "do you mind? Because I do." She merely shrugged and shifted into a comfortable position. "Child... I'm not afraid... To smash you." At that she got off and pouted making Roman chuckle.

"Little Neo here doesn't like being called a child- ow!" He jumped up holding his shin that the girl had just kicked. "Or little." He growled putting his foot down.

I held my hand over her face to see it easily overshadows her head, "so small... She can fit my hand... Small as child... So thought that you was."

Her eye twitched before she reached for her device and began typing on it 'if I was a child would you be much nicer to me?'

I shook my head and sat back, "I care not for... Ground walker lives... You're still... A meal to Grimm." At that she puffed out her lips and her eyes expanded with a look similar to a pup. "What are you doing?" She didn't respond as she got closer and hugged onto my arm. I tried pulling away but her grip was stronger than I anticipated. "Let go," she buried her cheek into my darkened fur and kept her eyes on me.

The longer she look at me the more I feel my exterior start to break. What is this sorcery she is doing? I tried looking away but felt her whole body cling to my side. I turned to see what is happening only to be met with those cursed eyes again. I growled feeling the last layer torn down and lifted her off the ground, "fine," a large smile made its way onto her face, "only if... You let me call you... Small." An inaudible gasp left her as she pouted then nod.

I grinned knowing that I may have lost the battle but I've definitely won the war. And with that foothold, I've stepped up a level higher than Roman. Speaking of him, his jaw was slack as he tried to understand what happened.

"So Neo just turned a Grimm soft and said Grimm is allowed to call Neo small? What type of shit is that?" He asked raising his arms. We ignored him as I laid my stomach on the floor to block him out. I felt the same body lean against my side as the sound of typing was heard followed by Roman.

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