Dawn of the Knight

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I can hear Roman giving the same speech once again to the faunus standing on the other side of the curtain ready to be recruited. I heard it enough times to be able to deliver it to the next group willing to join the White Fang. But my appearance will only scare them away. Which I find weird that they wear the masks of Grimm but will run away from a simple beowolf if it appears.

I open my eyes to be met with the dark blue curtain with a large metal machine on my right. Roman, more or less, begged for me to listen to his recruitment speech and examine his new toy that he stole.

I found no need in doing either of those and would have returned to cleaning my coat had it not been for Cinder. A growl rumbled in my throat at the memory causing a white fang soldier walking by to nearly stumble and take a step back. That's something I'll always enjoy seeing.

I must have lost track of time and what he was saying since I felt blinding lights shine into my eyes making me wince. A collection of gasps and choked screams rang through the air once the faunus saw my form sitting next to the machine.

Before I could do or say anything, Roman spoke up with a soft chuckle, "I'm sure you all want me to address the Grimm in the room," he raised an eyebrow at me at the horrible pun making me grunt, "but I would like to introduce you to the Atlesian Paladin-290!" He said proudly motioning to the machine. When no responses were made towards what he said he sagged his shoulders. "This shit was hard to steal," he mumbled grumpily.

I stood up to my full height with a smirk on my face, "seems I'm the star." At that, more gasps filled the air along with fear making me shiver in delight, "hold your limbs... I will not cause harm... Not to White Fang... Join us... And fear Grimm... No more... Rise from the shadows... And claim what's yours... No longer less than gr- humans... You will be revered!" I raised my arm up in the air exposing the White Fang symbol on my right chest covered in bone plates.

The smell of fear had died down tremendously making me hunger for more but I shoved it down in favor of pleasing the Queen. I'll starve myself for a millennia if it means that the Queen will complete her goal.

I shook away the thought and turned to Roman who had his gaze on a pair of faunus further off into the crowd. I could care less about what he had in mind for them and focused on turning away from the crowd. That was until a shot rang out with the lights turning off.

"Traitors to the White Fang," I growled with a smirk as the sound if shuffling followed by Roman's orders to capture them. I smirked knowing this will be a reasonable chance to kill now that my identity is revealed. I growled signalling the start of the hunt and ran forward going after them.

The pair had jumped out of the closest window followed by me bursting through the brick wall. I examined the pair to see a male with a yellow tail and hair and a female with black hair and cat ears. I'll have to keep that in mind just in case I'll need to hide from public. Not too long later I heard loud thumping to turn around and see the Paladin stampeding towards me until it reached my side going after the traitors.

The pair went up a building to gain an advantage only for me to climb up after them while the Paladin pursues them by the ground. It wasn't long into the fight where I heard the male yell for help but due to our secludedness he wouldn't receive any from these ground walkers.

We followed them until the jumped into a populated area making me halt but the Paladin jumped right into it. At least it didn't have to worry about exposing it's Identity. I growled and climbed down the buildings and ran through the shadow and underneath the highway the pursuit was happening on. The way I used took a lot longer than anticipated and resulted in me missing most of the fight. And I must admit, Roman looked like he got the shit beat out of him.

I chuckled looking at his defeated form before it increased in volume as I stepped out of the shadows, my eyes glowing red and eager to see death. "Pathetic machines," I mumbled kicking away a piece of metal and turning to the ones who beat him. Four females and by the looks of it, young and mostly inexperienced to true fighting. All but one wore shocked expressions on their faces as I removed my Great Bone Sword. "Only younglings."

"Is it just me or is that a Grimm or a giant man in black?" The one wearing a mixture of red and black with a scythe asked keeping her eyes on me.

My eyes locked into hers as she took a step back causing the others to be more on guard, "I am not only Grimm... But also your death," I hissed and pushed myself up to slam the weapon down on her only to be met with the ground. I looked up only to be met with a fiery fist as my head turned to the side before facing the culprit bearing yellow hair and lilac eyes. Speaking of which, they widened when I took the hit and headbutt her before swiping an arm to knock her away.

"Checkers!" The same voice of the little girl called out before the cat faunus and girl in white with a scar came running towards me. I pulled my sword out of the ground and used it to block the attack but the one in white stopped and formed white patterns in front of the cat increasing her speed significantly and sending another version of herself to attack the front. I tensed up my limbs to take the blow only for nothing to happen except for a swift kick to my cheek. I snapped my jaws at her only to be met with air once more.

Now was the time to go on the offensive, I pushed my limbs forward to the girl in red and black and raised my arm up to give the impression I was going to get closer. I smirked and stretched out my arm enough to grab her and bring her to me.

The yellow haired one emerged from the place I threw her at with her eyes red and hair glowing, "keep your hands off my sister!" She nearly roared putting an Ursa's to shame easily as she bounded over to me laying a punch to my plated abdomen.

I stumbled over but still held onto the girl with one hand over the area she hit, "cur-" I didn't get a chance to finish off as she laid a barrage of hits on me causing parts of my armor to crack and chip. I felt rage fill my entire body as the memory of my first battle came in mind about me being defenseless and easy to take down. The thought made me roar in pain and anger as my fist collided with her own creating a shockwave. I focused on her feeling her hatred towards me for holding her sisters hostage so I feed off of that to fuel me. And to add more power, I tightened my grip making the girl gasp in pain. She did exactly as I planned making her hatred grow and her desire to destroy me grow stronger and with that my own strength increased too.

I slammed the girl down on the ground then used my free hand to lay a blow on the yellow haired one to push her back. She slid back a good distance and looked up to be met with my hand grabbing her face and dragging her down the concrete before tossing her in the air. I stretched my arm out to grab the sword and swung it down on her but a black symbol stopped my momentum.

The cat faunus jumped in the air and grabbed the blonde before she could land. I slowly turned to the one in charge of stopping my arm to see the girl in white running towards me with her sword raised. I narrowed my eyes and turned my back to her so the Taijitu could easily strike her and halt her attempt at piercing me while I'm distracted. Though the serpent was limited to my body which was mostly frozen from her spell.

Despite the small setback, the serpent had accomplished its task and forced the girl in white to block instead. The Taijitu grabbed her blade and tossed her aside making her lose concentration and free my body once more.

I hissed in her direction and went to charge her once more but Neo slid under my legs and stood up in front of me. She looked up at me giving her signature smirk with a wink then turned to the four children. I knew what she was going to do and placed the sword back under my wings. "This is a draw... For now..." Neo bowed her head towards them as I turned my back on them with my own smirk. I handled myself a lot better compared to last time. Though that was to be expected after all the training I've been through to improve.

Now I know I won't fail the Queen again for I shall become her greatest warrior- no- her knight. Hazel had taught me how a knight serves their King or Queen without fail and will die for them as well. That is what I'll do for her. I turned my head just in time to see the one in yellow burst forward and punch through Neo's glass. Failing to hit her targets.

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