i. star-bound

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• August, 2012 •

My eyes follow the line of twinkling stars in the night sky. I smush my nose against the car window glass to get a better look. When I was really little, I secretly read space books underneath my bedsheets. Even though my eyes burned from the harsh beam of light, I didn't care. There are eighty-eight constellations in the sky. And they all have the most beautiful-sounding names like "Andromeda". The thing is, if I wasn't in love with ballet, I'd totally be an astronomer or an astronaut. Maybe after I'm gone I can visit the stars.

Mommy whips out our new cylinder pet: the vlogging camera. The moment I see a tiny, red dot blinking over her eye, I knew it was wide awake.

"So, what did we just do, Julie?" She starts.

I turn to face the camera. It's my turn to feed it breakfast.

"We just did a ballet competition," I answer, leaning forward in the leather seat to stretch my aching legs.

"Well, don't be shy! Tell our viewers how you did," Mommy encourages me.

"I won first place and I got gold," I continue while showing off the gold-painted, heavy trophy sitting next to me.

"That's my girl! You know what's next though, right?"

"Lana Meredith's," I say.

"This is good, Julie. If you can just apply what you did tonight for your next Lana Meredith's audition, they won't know what hit them. There's no way they won't accept you this time," Mommy states.

I tighten my lips into a smile until the camera's attention barks for Mommy.

"Unfortunately tonight, we can't go to dinner because it's way past Julie's bedtime. But tomorrow we'll have a special lil' brunch to celebrate!" Mommy narrates. "I think we're all wiped out, aren't we?"

"Mhm," Daddy and I say.

"As soon as we get home, we're gonna hit the hay. Then we'll take y'all with us to brunch tomorrow!" She sings. "Can't wait!"

Then, Mommy shuts off the camera. She silently turns her head back to the windshield like a machine that's been turned off. I glance back at the car window and lay my forehead over the smooth, numbing surface.

Suddenly, a sharp pain shoots up my back. Like if someone accidentally stabbed you with a needle while prepping your costume. I wince and try to massage my lower back with my hand.

"What's wrong, baby?" Daddy asks.

"I just felt this sharp pain on my back all of a sudden."

"Uh oh. That can't be good," he states.

"It's probably just dancin' pains," Mommy assures. "That's it. Nothin' serious."

"Maybe it's that. You can take it," Daddy adds on.

I take my hand off and listen to the highway drones. I look at the stars again.


"Why the hell does she look like that..."

"Look like what, Paulina?"

"Watch the video again. Don't you see anything wrong? Her shoulders are uneven and her right arm and leg is longer than her left."

"She's eleven. She'll grow."

"No, Steven. You're not gettin' it. She can't be a dancer if her posture's all screwed up."

"She's eleven. She's fine."

"I guess I'll have to tell her to straighten her back more..."

I crack my eyes open enough to see two giant heads swirling over me. I hear my seat belt unclick.

"Wha-" I croak out.

Suddenly, I feel lifted off of my seat and someone's meaty arm against my legs. I try moving my toes, but they wiggle in the air. Am I floating? Then, I feel slimy, wet lips kiss the top of my forehead. I shudder, but I'm too tired to push her away.

"Sweet dreams, Julie," Mommy whispers, making my hairs stand up. "I'll see you in the morning."

𝐉𝐮𝐥𝐢𝐚𝐧𝐚 & 𝐇𝐞𝐫 𝐁𝐢𝐠 𝐒𝐮𝐫𝐠𝐞𝐫𝐲 🩰 | [COMPLETED]Where stories live. Discover now